Show I Keen Insight to Human Nature Is Shown in Novel Andy Brandts Brandt's Ark by Edna Bryner Bryne Brilliant al Study I By HELEN GARRITY Relentless s to the poInt Edna Bryner has produced a unIque piece of work In her fIrst novel no Andy Brandts Brandt's Ark With splendid did vitalIty her Words like bits or of color in a pIcture blend Into each other creating spectacular ular effects At one moment her canvas groans groan under the motley disfigurement of drab brutal realism and all the he gross stupidity of unspeakably sordid sor- sor did creatures flaunts itself Unashamed unashamed un- un ashamed in all its stark hideous hideous- ness Then her bel unswerving sense or of justice asserts Itself and soft mauve tints appear as the neglIgible good qualifies s ot of the characters give the depIction that subtle infusion ot of soul th great panorama pane pano- rama of emotions a true r rela ela ton of life Ufe Iss Bryner possesses power in explorIng the mInds of her characters character the half develop devel- devel op d spawn ot of lurkIng subconscIously sub sub- conscIously in each earh onE Her novel centers centers' about a wise brilliant wo woman woman wo- wo man Ann Brandt who had shattered shattered shat- shat family ties early In her Career ca- ca reer and who after a bItter instructive instructive in- in battle wIth an all the crushing crush crush- log ing forces of life Ufe had conquered conquered- attainIng complete happIness She had satisfied that latent kinshIp kinship kin kin- shIp urge by creating for herself hersel a mythical mythIc l group The Theas Thea's ie she neatly arr carefully accounted for theIr actions and lifted theta them from her ark dangling them Interestingly interestingly In- In whenever She was asked about her family Staggered by a pathetic appeal from her younger youner sIster Ann nn rushed to her aid arid and finds herself caught among mong the disgusting bIckering or of an an unutterably selfish group of brothers sisters in nIeces and nephews all sufferIng under the influence of her grasping grasp grasp- Ing petulant mother Her illusIons Irrevocably destroyed Ann does her herbest herbest best to simplify the ugly uly tangle that has been forming formIn during her ab- ab sence The result is doubtful but interesting Never Keve- before has an writer eo o ton eon vin exp exposed sed the ot of otI faultY education and training I Indeed MIss Bryner does more Inthis In thIs novel to awaken parents to their duties to posterity than any psychology yet written for with brilliant powerful strokes she re reveals re- re veah the pitiable result of In a a. a vivid unforgettable manner If Miss Bryner continues to write wIth her pre present ent intensIty 1 and force it Is safe t ti predict that she will make a lasting impression I on the constructive literature of thIs day E. P. P Dutton Co New Kew York I |