Show WHEAT TAKES Export Sales Sale Given as Reason CHICAGO March 12 10 Ex A-Ex- Ex AP-Ex- port sales hero here and at the Gulf Gult of ot Mexico brought about a late upturn In wheat values today largely overcoming overcoming over over- coming earlier earler declines Wheat Whet f fn- fn in- in Irregular 3 net lower to advance corn cor off of to up oats at 3 to 3 gain and provIsIons varying from decline to a rise rie ot of About bushels of No 2 hard No wheat rail all rai al-rai shIpment from Chi Chi- to the seaboard was Included In export business and and there was word also of fairly good European purchasing ot of wheat t at atthe atthe the Gulf Gul of Mexico Furthermore despite despie bIg world shipments for tor the week Liverpool quotations were at atthe atthe the greatest difference over Chicago ChIago thAt has witnessed In several beer months Other factors which helped to rally raly the Chicago market marke near the end of the day were a little Increase increase In- In crease of commission house buying of future d deliveries Ie together th with r r t up VL VU LU 1 of prevIous sellers Most ot of the time today however the wheat market showed a downward downward down down- ward trend with wih May reaching a anew anew new low level for the present mOve mOve- mOnt ment Heavy snows and rain southwest southwest south south- west and west especially In northwestern northwestern north north- western Kansas and western Nebraska Nebraska Ne- Ne braska had a bearish influence In this connectiOn talk talt was current curent that there have been but few times under conditions similar to those now no existing that Kansas the champion wheat state has not raised a bumper crop Corn and oats closed strong and nd at about the best prices of the day Stormy tormy weather and sLackening of receIpts ot of coni were chiefly re- re reo There was talk too ot of export business In oats In line lne with wih the hog market p po o vIsions held heki about steady BANK ANI TE ST. IEST NEW YORK March 12 1 The Ar-The actual actual of banks and nd trust for the week shows excess reserve ot of This isan la is laan an increase In reserve of at compared wIth the week before when a a deficit In reserve ot of was re- re ported The detailed statement follows Loans discounts etc increase Cash In own vaults Member federal reserve bank Increase 1 Reserve In federal reserve bank ot of member ban banks Its ln rease O. O Reserve In own vaults vaulta state banks and companies 12 increase Reserve In depositaries Nonmember state Hate banks and trust companies 12 increaSe demand d deposits increase Time decrease O A L. L u h U si s xU S. S deduced Aggregate to reserve Excess r reserve erve Summary ot of state banks bank and trust companies In 0 Greater New York eluded In clearing house state ent Loa Leans ni discounts discount etc e Gold decrease Curr Currency ncy and bank notes decrease Deposits with federal reserve bank bank increase Increase Total deposits Increase O I IDO lt DO Eliminating I a out due from reserve depositaries sold ard from other banks bank and trust companIes In New York and U. U S. S deposits Deposits Increase 14 1 Banks Danks' cash cah In vault vaul Trust companies companies' cash In vault 94 04 MARKET A G Saturday Friday Ten first rails rais Ten secondary rails rais Ten public utilities 95 55 65 Ten industrIals 1018 Combined average 08 Combined month ago Combined year ago Total bond sales par value 0 |