Show L Bungalows Colonials Cottages s t trl ti p 3 t S rl Miscellaneous SALE f th rt l the he core Only months nori u u UJ rugs ank ane an eft k Our lois t I. I your gain An mp ln lues to 5 choir liny bridge lamp In stock value ft you pick nen inen tOr br 1250 rugs wOrt I led lut limited no 9 lixi Luga worth H 84 tor 49 49 22 tOI UZe Ize hU et rul 75 6 heavy d yards yarda wile n 45 es s r reg g. g flu l lur n. n o good a ax bed 6 5 u U dinIng liv Iv n 1 sets at hal halt what other ther ng 0 e must cloe this atoc 1 1 nw rome come wilie eiHl I good Cash has hax Com W. W I. I ADA ADAMS IS CO It New u lew bathtub toilets 20 ZO stove water waLer henel new om lete 15 6 good as a new I new halt rice In 2 roil rol ply 3 heavy l gi Aine Sher alf io J I bands 1 set act 8 new pew ew BuICk Olds ci cOp elp ord old new c types alf new U 2 6 55 y yd aon 35 5 bargain doors windows gla plumbing reeking Co V. S. S Temple ELECTRIC 10 to 6 18 horsepower alter aler- aler ni og current 10 vols voltO 1800 IOnS per oer minute RN IRON AND METAL INC UC So UI West Wu Vaa 11 i I. I R EI FRE FREEO FREEl ITI ITI EACH PURCHASE tr r duce uce our on onI I led tre tubes springs springs rims rime repair kits kite gas oil 01 ld nd aU all ork we are ae gIving FREE FEEl with every te one tu tube o ule u- u very le ax as low as a 50 We ship ere ere Good allowance on your yourI IT USED TITLE TIRE TUBE I AL ADOLPH CO State Stae Wax Was 42 L Agents for or NOTON CASH CASIO an and JUIS SELL ELL REPAIR Dealer Dealers Itt It CAli CAH Jd and ther Lher adding 29 State st at Grosh LOVO Lve el-Lve hone Wan Va 2164 LL YEARS NI 1 almost new House wire So 10 Ford three three complete with r an wrench thene wheels G t like ke or or Ott Ir rico 50 All AI live five wheels now Ith 31 6 tiree tres e. e wi Sell sel with or without set ot tires an and tube at attl tl nal Harr Harry A. A 20 ti oj to Was Vax DING bed with mit- mit top Oak finish VI sell sel for 1 a IY 10 IN loud speaker very cheap cheap u. u I. I JI iJ new ann ana rebuilt manufacturers or of drive in ln root beer stations and itt ti Investigate before buying tables Moner Moser Co Co turere 55 5 Post Office Place Salt Sait SaltY Y Utah F SEND SEND AN our home to show samples eel ce tour or make with with- yourself Rus curtain linens bedspreads etc etc are Liberal terms ii If IP Phone one Was Wa or tail al eat es Temple I desk deek and char also fixtures and tools 8 Hh ZER soil sol sand gravel also rand land hauling Downing Downing- lIly Ih J. standard cheep camps campe tate Gate Salt Sal Lake City Cly 6 fuse set set complete erini United Radio Stores d South Was ferms distributor UL Collie pup 2603 So lf covering l per r yd it I 05 childe I new 0 20 0 new v bed 30 O A. A n. n i Tobin luth Was Wa J 1201 21 White cabinet sewing 31 6 and rubber tired tred invalid t 2 dOl So W. W V. V Temple I a con con- nothing n more 0 to ins ms 32 W. W South Was Wa mill Jf BUILDINGS lt T TO SUPPLY WRECK Clo WASATCH Ons e-Ons One horsepower horsepower 1020 Case Cane CaseIn In in excellent mechanIcal con colt Price reasonable inquire 23 Was Vas 67 suitcases suitcase leather goods Jar J 26 8 S State a. WaS nUlL UIL CON CIN tEd U. U graveL ravel Satisfaction soar guar E. E typewriter al ale or raw lor br rat cal Two ea ap Violin 10 0 L. L ah S. S SEn S1 counters counter aug ant store stor In Utah V IV L. L L 3 W. W So Temple Was Vas 1839 Jur Ur With wih ork guar Estimates free l I t used tIre taree for sale eale State tae W. W Was IC CAL AL repairing lighting fix fix- 6 South State st et Was tx D H. H EARDLEY ELEC CO pAL OAL VaU value unclaimed han band suits Buls and 2260 save SILve Dundee Woolen Mis 25 0 0 Le s 's Express olter Was Wac lI I W. W. 1650 office supple bus bus lJ U Adams 20 Nece Nes aires and rota ms all al hOeS V nt- nt Service fU I. I S. S iaIn V. tY t heels fastened made safe land and bodies straightened sae rep agen alen 13 E. E South Bouth e e We get the he n t Bk Was V E OR Ot LIBRARY G se P. P G. G DUST CO T Tj WAS J 1670 60 We buy Young National Magazines JEL C. C CO announces their from Exchange Place to larger 6 o So W. W T. T Was Wa 1246 14 Labor hour handY nt Int build tear tEar down fix fx any nd me at 60 St W. W Hh So pity city sold cleaned rep reas evl C. C lUcks flicks 6 So Id L AND WOOD 1 SA S l-S Jon 1 Y DENT CASIO CAH L. Wa Van domes lc lump 0 HEE TRIMMING Leon ceon 20 yrs experience SUI Johnston ly R. R TEST 1 t the e answers to today's tolay's One f k indred and sixty I. I a aUl l ah h. h 1 n ezza 1 Ot t nUJ Ier och i Dama cus Od FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE I n i. i sT r Ej f flere lees lee's Yo Your Moneys Money's Worth l Priced Sei Quickly I Ih Why h not bu buy one for an i extra extra 7 BuIck 6 Touring n 1921 Oakland n. n Coupe o p l 32 1 1522 22 Dodge Roadster 16 11 1923 Hop Hup Touring 5 1920 1820 Stephens S Sedan dan 1 15 1923 Chevrolet Touring I 1 1922 Dodge Touring h. h 6 1923 Chevrolet Coupe 10 IC 1920 Ford ton u-ton ton Truck 2 0 1923 Chevrolet Touring I 6 The above ears ctr are are not not junk bu bt have many more mie ot of service fathe fo fa the new owne AUTO CO RetaIlers and Distributors 47 M East St St. I WB S or OPEN EN SU s G NJ FREED'S USED CAR VALUES 16 Est Broadway CHEVROLET R P. 0 A D Driven less leu than than miles mies 5 balloon balon tires tres like now new This car fully tuly guaranteed down will 11 handle CADILLAC SEDAN This Thi i ian I an exceptional used car Ja flax had wonderful care 6 good curd rd trea tireS upholstery ex elent Hotter Beter than an any new car Cr at Its i. i prIce of 2 FORD COUPES 1921 2 1921 all al thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed 25 SPECIAL OPEN CAR BARGAINS Jewett Special Touring 19 Jewet 2 Ford Touring 1925 12 Ford U. 5 1 up Peerless 7 Touring 1921 s no Chalmers Touring 1921 12 0 60 50 Overland Touring 1922 1022 00 our ot lot for bargains WE HANDLE OUR OWN PAP rAPt R. R FREED MOTOR CAR CO 16 10 East EasL Broadway Was S SAV AVE 15 on new Ford Call cal Tom Was Vas 6 on week days 1 speedometer e FORD Pr Tudor car r in sedan perfect ec balloon a shape hoe t tiree nil rl Ii e today fly Iy ft R 65 or or WaS a 1 2 2916 Mr WoOd ONE OF BRO IG'S IEST BUYS 1 12 coupe sedan wih with new rubber heater and Lan Lan- Ln- Ln chaSter and newly cester painted 50 0 South Stain Wasatch H RY HURRY FORDS O RECO Ii S BY BYTHE THE CITY MOTOR SALES CO HO SO STATE 1923 1000 FIRST HERE F nl SERVED A LIMITED NUMBED TO TO CHOOSE FROM These cars cau are arB worth much nuch mon met m money oney We Ve have selected them roi o our ur stock of to o TEll TlE MOTOR SALES CO Cb 40 SO 60 STATE TERMS ERMS OR TRADE TRADO OPE OPEN ALL DAY UpCO CASH CASU Wi Vili drive out a n new w Tudor sedan with wih 1 a al ll the latest improvements Iteen t months months' Ur time on balance SAU I CO 40 So State LER 3 DIG 6 Harmon 7 good mec me- me c 9 S SpecIal 6 1824 Studebaker tourIng tourIng tour tour- Ing 12 1600 S Durant 4 sedan tine Line comE condl- cyl 4 tion 0 D Dodge 1928 ri new p paint i job job g 0 Overland Red Bird disc wheels and bumpers 3 2950 00 0 cb 55 1 West 41 So o WIS Vae Sundays Sunday 11 1 to 4 I II DY Dl OWNEn 1020 Nan I 6 touring Good Goo curtains curtaIns A snap 51 S J Oy Hy R I I HE JEST BUY IN TOW TOWN Late 1926 For 1 Tudor sed n. n In I 45 70 down balance bllance easy eay ray pay menU mente I. I Ii II E. Gillette 1057 SO LI East Eat Hy fly 1643 64 I I 1926 ESSEX COACH Only y ye been e a a few t us d miles I in Salt lt Lake i FI Finished led in ne v green color with nickel plated radiator f ive good tires tres fully tuly equipped with a al i extras perfect mechanically u a real sac sac- terms Was n. MODEL 89 69 Cadillac Cadiac passenger 7 7 fly new tires tres Westinghouse al all new top and curtains A- A l A-l Ar r mechanical condition Call Cal Was OlD sedan for sale by owner goo good mechanical condition 50 l hone Sly By MEDICAL PHYSICIANS LEADING specialist acute and chronic C diseases ot of men Dr Griffith 0 1 Main a In Wa Vae 13 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT ONE LETTER fETTER FILING 3 I tables I 1 typewriter d S. S SVa a. a I Was Va No S 8 1 I CHINA 10 PI TE line Irle of 0 white while china Lessor Leun bid oldie and Bertha Dertha a ene Sect 1 I I I WELL rotted rot lawns rini ow ers soil olI gravel ravel Wax Wu H. 2871 S FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE n. n S. S FIn PItT INC USED SED CAR CAR EX EXChANGE IA GE Was East At 2nd So Was Wu 58 I Did you ou ever wish y you u hadn pal I Iso so much for tor the automobile you Sr ar driving People that have bought bough CAr from us know they have received DOL LAn LAR rOil leOn DOLLAR They are happ anti and have no occasion to sorrow orrow be caupe they paid too much for their Cal Ca Cae We e have one for you at a prIce to tl fi r tour pocketbook BUY DUY NOW OW A pleasure to shop hop here Courteau salesmen 1927 DOdge Spot Touring new driven miles Hudson A l 0 rally caly 4 00 5 olt Coupe fully 0 equipped tuly 10 Ford Roadster 1926 1925 Ford 2000 10 Overland 4 Coupe 1500 ro ise Dolge Special Sedan o oto Ford Truck ton 1 new tires tres 2250 to 1923 Ford Truck ton I-ton 6 6 axle axle 2000 0 1926 1026 DOdge ton 4 Screen Truck 1923 Ford Sedan fine tin condition 1230 g 1923 Ford 4 Sedan 1650 tt 1925 Maxwell panel body T Truck k t r 1 1825 Dodge SpecIal Touring Terms Terms Term Termo Many caia car to from Fords a an g delivery cars s from m u up Come fB n now t. t J J. J Pity FRY INC t 1 w osis 51 1 n. n 2nd So Was Wa Bolt ONE OF BROWNI BROWNINGS GS G'S BEST DEST BUYS Last gray blue door 4 dool 4 sedan Overland six st standard sedan with ec five nearly new tires trel two bumpers bumper bar cap meter mirror wiper In first class cas condl condition lon HOC 70 I 1 South 11 In TAYLOR USED FORbs 1924 Ford co coupe pe with wih new lacquer paint job 1923 Por coupe new nev paint 1924 14 Ford ord roadster In excellent 10 condition 1924 Ford touring car lUG 1020 Ford roAdster with slip slip-on box wih on 1 1326 Ford touring car wih axle just been out a short time 1915 12 Ford ton l-ton truck with top wih 90 TAYLOR RICHARDS MOTOn CO 13 Motor Ave Used Car Lot at 10 East Eat 1st So Was Va 2915 DODGE DELIVERy TRUC DOdge pan panel l delv delivery truck ruck dand car or for worth r i See ind to to- to day daT Baker company 3rd South Sout and 3rd Et t LoE OIE FORDS AT T THE TiOn HOUSE OF SATISFACTION TIE FORD EXCHANGE So State ONE OP OF RO INGS ING'S BEST BUYS 1 1924 Overland Champion reconditioned toned an and newly paInted 95 S South Wasatch Waatch THE CITY MOTOR SAL SALES S FOR FOIl FORDS So State We Ve Handle Our Own Paper 1324 FORD FRD Tudor sedan aedan new baloon tires tre In perfect shape must sell week Call Cal Wood Was a. 2915 sel thi ONE OF BROWNINGS BEST IES BUYS 1 1323 Durant coupe cO reconditioned reo re- conditioned good god rUbber new battery South Main Man a Wasatch loIs lORD FORD fOWlING Newly Iely painted good balloon balon tires tre motor mo mo- tor runs run like a clock worth o ot 0 anyone mon money y Yours Your today for tor t. t First come come first rn served 2600 r USED FORD MARKET 65 So State Was Wa 1 FORD SALE See the City Cly Motor Sales add of their thel sale ule on 1923 models OAKLAND 6 5 TOURING goot condition good tires tres and new battery must sell sel each ash 2160 So ft g. g 1928 FORD touring axle o e celent condition and good tires tres fus I like new at a good big bl discount Terms L Call Cal Was Wa i. J. ONE OF BEST DEST BUYS Q 9 1924 Jewett touring car toned and newly newly paInted S South Main Maln LATE LAE MODEL Olds Old roadster 75 C b. b or will wi trade ton Half Ford truck 5 I cash Eagle G Gate te garage 18 truck lot ht aye ave 0 FORD SALE 1000 w We have sel selected eight 1523 Fords Ford 5 from our stock and thoroughly recon recon- I The prices were from to t 25 guaranteed anti and ready to go Your choice 1000 TIlE CiTY MOTOR SALES CO 40 So State Accessories OneS TRADE TRAD IN YOUR YOUn OLD OID TIRES ANY TUB TUBES S AT SAM AM ADOLPHS ADOLPH'S USED USEI ANI TIRE AND rUBE Big this thie month 69 5 State WIL Sa H USED lord parts at 50 00 per cent oft Baker Motor Co Co 2711 Id E. Broadway tires trea and Ind au all sizes sizes Sterry ter Ster ry lilies Mie Tire Co 41 So State Was Wal I IllS 11 LARGEST wrecking house houe In Utah Auto Aulo Salvage Salvae 7 So State WMs Wal I. I FOIl oale used tires In ble C condition Felt Auto Wreckage 44 66 1 So Stats AUTOMOBILE PAINTING J JIMS JIM'S PAINT P hans first I Duco ani i auto painting at f N d. d 1st W. W S 02 2041 r AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AVE money having your ear CRr 1 at home y dy experIence is your guar J free trpe WIlson fly M 1 ARLENER COMPLETE variety variety ot of nl 5 Spruces Arborvitae Junipers Belt Rel- Rel no Pinel Boxwood 2 to 6 tt ft flowering and evergreen shrubS trees tree I 1 save cave you money 22 2 yrs er aM all a landscape gardener Louis Al gardening hardy shrubs shrub roses rOle plants plant lawn eel Ceel plans plane and eel mates matel diplomat diploma and ret ref elt- elt 1011 11 Perk Park st Ct fly Iy I ANI H A 1 BEATING E REPAIR Ic guar fleas Reu G. G It 1 Davis 47 3 So 0 E. E 2 ly j UI U repairs ran u i Jacket h 02 L I. hale n. n Sele C connections Work guar Iuar r o Carl Carp 1 WI VMs R I JOB conn conn w. w J. J I cl cleaned 2 J IllS Ul Id B. E. E MorrIs 5 3 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES A A. A E. E F o t a. a and MaIn Ia tI Fifth South and and Main 16 1026 Olds De Dc Luu coach Coach 7 Overland 4 Coupe U 1926 01 De Dc Lux Cou Coupe lUt Olda Id Dc Luu Lule Sedan s Ie 1975 15 Nash Nah coach 0 1926 16 Jewett hewett coach 0 1923 Ford Ford Coupes and 0 5 13 Chevrolet Coupes Coupe 1925 01 Olds s Coupon Coupe and Sedans Sedan 1923 Studebaker Big 6 Coach Coach 0 1925 Coupes Coupe Coache anti and Sedans 1910 01 Olds Coach 0 1924 12 Dodge Touring 0 Ford Chevrolet St Star r 0 Dodge Doage Buick Jewett Nash Stephens C touring carS car 1 T 1 to Rup ns bi Parties s. s A A. II E. 1 So State c S O o MaIn Was WU Wa Was 2877 ONE OF OF BROWNINGS HEST lEST BUYS 2920 12 Overland touring car cr with wih good top and curtaIns new bater battery almost new rubber runs tine line 50 no ITO South Main Wasat Wasatch h I TAYLOn MOTOR CAR CO Was 3 6 2nd East and Motor Ave 1926 68 58 SEDAN runs and looks like new wheel four brakes brake and fully equipped Call Cal Sty thIs J J 32 car for tor information about SOME OF OUR BEST BUYS 1925 Nash uh Roadster 1923 Reo Coupe Couve 1924 Oldsmobile Roadster 1924 12 Touring 1925 1125 Maxwel Coupe TAYLOR TAILOR MOTOR CAR CAll COu CO Was u 1346 34 2nd nd East Ave 1926 12 FORD T Tsia car has been driven just enough to be broken In Come In and try It for yourself Price right 50 80 So S SLate ate TIlE FORD CORNER Better Beter Used Cars Cars LOwest Prices 1926 1920 dor Tudor Sedan 1926 Touring closed top 5 1926 Runabout Runabout 4 tIll 1926 SpecIal Ill g 1525 Sedan Bug ln n 1925 1125 Coupe 1925 Touring 15 1925 1525 Runabout 19 1024 Coupe 1924 Tudor 1923 Touring iso 1023 body in 1021 g Coupe Coupe new bO n I 1950 1920 Touring 45 41 1317 RunabOut 21 1920 TourIng ut 32 1026 Ton Truck Jumbo etc 1020 Tots Ton Truck body etc 95 05 BAKER MOTOR COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealers Delers 3rd South and 3rd East Eat 1926 1026 FORD CO COUPE rE Thu car cr has run but I I. I I. I In i Al conditIon Folly guaranteed Terms HD South South Stae State NEW USED CAR LOT 62 SO MAI MAIN Chevrolet Touring Ford TOUrIng Star TourIng J. J Overl nd Touring All Al under I 1026 Star Touring un 1025 Durant Touring oversize 1025 12 Ford Touring r 1922 Dodge Roadsters l k-i 1918 7 1 Studebaker new tires tre r rFord Ford 25 5 and up MOTOn CO N New w Used Car Lot Lot 61 South Main I ONE 01 01 BROWNINGS BUYS IUS 1525 Willys Great SI sedan se- se e- e dan tuly equipped with every ever thing even to sUn shields o oboth 0 both front doors door U 1 so South Main O OF BROWNINGS BEST BUYS 1325 Over Overland and four four door door s sedan dan disc equipped IP wheels I ell with two w five new s hOes tes South Main Wasatch 6 96 BUY YOUR FORD FOnD AT TIlE THE CITY MOTon SALES CO CO So State WE C CARRY nRY OUR OWN PAPER At SALE SALE-At Dawsons Dawson's garage 59 52 place by owner one 1921 V model coupe guaranteed |