Show I i l 0 i I l r 1 f VENC I J BETTY Letters and questions for this department should be addressed to Betty Blair Hearts Heart's Haven Salt Lake Telegram Write only m n one tide aille of the paper peper It le II necessary to append our name and address addrell but these theao I are arft held in confidence and will not be pUblished y Dear Miss Blair If there is any city with more flirtatious girls and I must confess more beautiful ones will SOmeone kindly tell me where Salt Lake has the world beat What wild furtive captivating glances at fellow gets on every h hand d as he walks down the streets ts of Salt Lake and from such fair maidens too I by nature a bashful male thought I was back in Paris foamy my first few days in this city New NewYork NewYork York Chicago or Los Angeles haven't nearly the dashing young things Is' Is it a case of flaming youth flaring up mOre in Salt Lake than thanin in other American cities Im I'm honest honest hon hon- est in asking you whether the girls of Salt Lake Lake arent aren't more than ordinarily ordinarily or- or wild wild You can see young unescorted girls uptown late into the night In m most st cities that is taken as an indication that the girls are not of the most decent sort I 1 wonder if i local parents t arent mighty lax with their daughters NEWCOMER Now ow we are in for Sor another argument me ment t Newcomer We Ve thought several soy soy- eral days dars ago that we were going to have a lull in our disputes over whose fault it was that ladles were molested in movies and your letter calling Salt Lake maidens most flirtatious flutters onto our desk Well We'll leave it up to the girls them them- pelves' pelves elves to to- answer you ou or let the fellows fellon s agree agree I Well admit one point wl with h you r Newcomer that we ate afe prone believe the curfew law Belongs to one of the ancient blue vari variety ty or Is so classed by many parents It Is more than we can understand how any thinking mothr moth moth- r or father can l leta ta youngster under uno un- un o der 16 years of oC age be wandering about on the streets and going whither he or she pleases seems to be very lightly carried on oh the shoulders of some parents Possibly your our hint will open their theil eyes a bit to the possible dangers and to the reaction reaction re- re action a stranger within pur gates has to such c conditions Well We'll see what hat the mall mail brings And My Dear Readers And still they come Wont Won't you ou please take up UI the defense ense or for that matter either side on Newcomers Newcomer's New New- c comers comer's mers mer's comments and let the poor theatres rest Wont Won't Wont you please let these last final flourishes serve selve as dessert to our argument Here they are but please r NO COMEBACKS CO no mats mat tel ter how bow much you want to retort to some of the comments Dear Misa Blair I read your Hearts Heart's Haven every night and I sure get a laugh out of some of the articles I live in a little junction village We have about twenty men men thirty women thirty five children and dogs We have a little brick schoolhouse Every Saturday night we have hav a picture show We have good shows but oh boy boyl you dear sw sweet et ladies ladies la- la dies in in Salt Lake you think you have ben molested by men who failed to be gentlemen y you u think v you you are annoyed by some children You ou would die in our humble little show I dont don't go very often T have two babies you see but I like to go when I can and and leave my little darlings darlings' in good care cae To begin with our seats are long benches and some of them are wab- wab bly and some are just the school benches And the boys and girls laugh and talk in the show and when Tin Rin-Tin-Tin is leaping fences and rushing to save his master the boys in the s show ow stamp and scream and shout Get him Rin get him And when they see some thing funny they laugh and shout Now there is a nice old man who insists on sitting by me in the show and I did not mind but he got so loving one night I thought I should move in front of him so I did but I he was not bluffed he leaned over my shoulder and talked in my ear Well he saw I did not notice him so he stopped Pretty soon I felt something on my ankles Gee 1 thought Id I'd die The dirty little imp Now dont don't all all you women jump on your chair it was a naughty little mouse Now how would you like that Id I'd rather have some man winking or staring at me than that mouse tramping on my leg Now Miss Blair you may not want to print this but I think you might get a laugh out of it But lets let's stop throwing mud on our better bet bet- ter halves s. s Lets Let's beg these naughty men to be nice r to MRS OUT OF TOWN We did Mrs 1 Out of oC To Town n I Miss Betty Blair j jI II I dont don't see see I hate ha been reading the arguments of the girls and boys Some time last week in the I noticed some girls trying to get the attention of a ayoung ayoung I young man They were not so lucky as you might call it it He politely got up and moved to a part of the house So you can see if the fellows pay no attention to the girls or the girls to the boys it would be a lot easier for both In Inmost Inmost most cases the men are just as bad as the girls It is not the better better bet bet- ter element of either either of the sex tha that go to shows t to pick up some swell seik or or BUD Dear Miss Blair Please let me express my opinion of this smashing mashing bus i ness Nine tim times s out of ten it is the womans woman's fault if she allows herself to be annoyed by tha that type of man in a theatre Now I have had some some experiences along that line myself so I know whereof I speak Not long ago I was alone at a movie and a man man came came in and sat down next to me Well he stared at me awfully hard but I thought nothing of that maybe the poor chap thought I was good to look hum at-hum But when he kept on looking and looking at me instead of the picture it was plain to me that he wanted to FLIRT Horrors Lend me your R. R R. R or i should I sock the scamp in the eye Well I knew he wanted to get friendly with me BUT I knew I wasn't excited about it He me meant ment nt nothing to tome me So I just ignored him and kept on watching the pic picture ture Well he sat there and fidgeted eted in his seat and put his arm across the back of his seat and I dont don't know what all as I only looked with one eye until he decided decided ed I wasn't interested then lie he got up and walked out Such cases as R. R RR R. R mentions where a man grabs your ankle are rare I believe a man would have to have a lot of encouragement before he would do anything like that So So SoA A Lady slaps their faces Well Lady I am only A MERE WOo WO WOoMAN MAN but I wouldn't soil my hands handson on such a person couldn't stand the contact JUST ANOTHER WOMAN Dear Miss Blair Well here I am again I hope I Iam Iam am welcome Miss Blair I thought I would write again before I am am tarred and feathered as R. R R R. R has suggested R. R R. R has her daughter dau with her yet As she says a man grasped her by the th snide ankle and she used a pin on him If she is so much molested she should get a permit to carry a gun She said in her letter she was going to tar and feather me and also VAMP my husband I took it as she said she was a married woman Why vamp any ladys lady's husband if she is married married mar mar- ried It seems to me it caus caused d lots lotsof lotsof of ladies to be mad because I signed A Lady They are few As MORE THAN DISGUSTED said They should have a tag on them But I am that much of a lady that I haven't the nerve to tell about a man grasping me by the ankle I thought we were writing for fun but if it got so far that I Iam Iam am going to be tarred and feathered I had better drop out And signing still A LADY Another Lady Too Little girl you seem to have gotten gotten got got- ten me all wrong I believe you have my letters all mixed up with A Ladys It was A Lady who accused us of giving fresh etc It was she who advised us to report annoyances to the If you will look lookup lookup up my three letters kid kiddo do and also read A Ladys Lady's in Sundays Sunday's paper of February 27 yD will see that you have us twisted Please read them again wont won't you R. R R. R Dear Miss Blair I wish to say something in A Boys behalf I think he is RIGHT and I agree with him on every angle If some girls dont don't want to be molested in the theatres why do they dress and act the way they do If some girls would use LESS paint and powder and wear more clothes Im I'm sure everything would be all right Now Miss Blair Im I'm not considered consid- consid ere ered a flapper or a man hunter I have long Itai hai something very rare these modern days I wear enough clothes to look neat use I very little powder and NO PAINT If some girls would go to a theatre and see the picture without turning around and looking back of them or on each side trying to see whom they could vamp nothing would I am 18 Miss Blair and its it's funny no man has ever bothered me Because Because Be- Be cause I go and see the picture and come home minding my own busi- busi ness Maybe we are different from the styles of long ago but girls could be a little modest in their dress couldn't they I have little sympathy for those who cant can't dress with modesty nor decency A BOYS BOY'S FRIEND Dear Miss Blair May I enter your little corner I re read d it every night and I am very very much interested What do you think of this Three of my girl friends and I wish to go to Los Angeles this summer We thought that we would start with about 25 apiece after we have paid our train fare We were planning to go down there and get some kind find of work One of the girls was down there last summer summer and she made a go goof goof of it ito Would you please tell us the possibilities of obtaining work good room and board etc We wish to make this trip entirely without without with with- out any aid from our parents If you hear of anyone wishing a girl as a companion or maid would you please keep us in mind THE FOUR COEDS What do we think We think that you'd be taking chances to start ort off for tor any strange city with only that much money Make your our surplus and you will be fairly safe altho although gh Los Angeles in inthe the summer time is not the easiest e place in inthe the world in which to to find work It If you had said What kind of work it might have helped girls but not knowIng what yOU can do it is difficult to advise Wed We'd say that first class room and board would be impossible to get under 50 per month and andas andas as a rule that amount would cover only two meals n. n day dat Then you must count car ar tare fare and nd laundry and aU all the little extras that are always popping up at the most Inconvenient times Our suggestion would be either that you ou pet oft off your trIp until you ou have saved about four times tire He amount you plan on or that you have pretty fair assurance of an immediate job before you start oft off with such independent Ideas We Ve admire your our spirit and your our ambition but girls it isn't worth it to take such chances if yo YO have been used to comparative comparatively nice homes here because Los Angeles is literally lit lit- flooded with girls g looking for work and though many of them fled fInd it there are more still who have to be sent back home by Ute the charity organizations if their parents cannot advance money for their return tickets ets Surely you'd rather wait until you have lent funds to see you ou through the Inevitable period or of waiting until you ou find the work you ou want After that wed we'd say go and wish you all the luck in the world Well We'll keep you in mind all l right and let us know if you have specific specific questions that we can help you ou with Dear Miss Blair I Am I a citizen I was born in inthis inthis this country I married a foreigner foreigner for for- eigner in 1921 He has his papers now having become naturalized a year ago but the papers said that I am not I thought I was until just now Now Im I'm all mixed up MRS L. L L Li Had you waited until September 1922 to marr marry you would have retained your citizenship in spite of marr marrying ing a foreigner but the Cable act governing American women retaining their after actor marriage was not passed until that date and all American women who were marrIed to foreigners foreigners for for- eigners previous to that date must make application to the Bureau of Naturalization to retain their status as United States citizens There is this to your our advantage however You need need not wait the time required of the foreigner who applies for citizenship All they want is s your formal application cation to be passed upon Tal Take e it up with your local director U. U S. S Bureau of Naturalization and you will soon have it all straightened straightened straight straight- ened out Dear Miss Blair Will you please tell me how Tooele got its name INQUISITIVE Different stories are told as to how Tooele got its name One is that an Englishman came to the first settlement before the county was organized and remained but a short time saying that it was too Illy illy too hilly and that the Cockneys Cockney's expression was the basis ot of the name Another and what is believed to be the correct one one Is that the name Tule was adopted because of the great quantity of rushes growing there tuba tule being a Spanish word signifying a species of bulrush The pioneer clerk of the county misspelled the name Tooele In a public document the error was copied by others and the name became fixed Dear Miss Blair Would you kindly tell me the population of Butte Mont Port P land Ore and Salt Lake City Also is it possible for a Catholic to become a Mason J. J M. M Butte Mont Portland Ore and Salt Lake City They tell us there Is no Masonic law which prohibits a Catholic from joining if he can meet the requirements requirements require require- ments but it is not likely that were ho h voted into the Masonic body he would remain a Catholic Dear Miss Blair This is the first tim tim b that I I have written to you and I hope that I Iam Iam am welcome My question is was Utah the fortieth state to enter this Union or orthe orthe the forty fifth My teacher said the fifth but I do not agree with her Also what was meant by 16 to 1 in the year of 1893 or close to that date Just one more do Dutch girls have tight fitting waists I am to dress as a Dutch girl in the annual junior prom and serve Dutch lunches Thanks very much for the space THANK YOU You Yuu are very welcome T. T Y Your teacher happens to be right this time Utah vas as the forty fifth st state te to enter the Union North Dakota was the fortieth Oklahoma Okla- Okla homa New Mexico and Arizona have entered since Utah This may maybe maybe be what you mean however Utah ranks fortieth for in population at the present time The cry 16 to 1 In the early referred to the political fight for forand forand and against gold as a standard and It meant 16 ounces of silver to I. I of gold During the political campaigns campaigns cam cam- of that period the demand for free coinage of silver by the southern and western states was one of th the big issues Clev Cleveland land op- op posing If you will look in your our history book bool you will find a detailed discussion of conditions Yes Dutch girls wear close fitting fitting fit fit- ting bodices with very full shirred or gathered skirts Theres There's a plc- plc ture of one on the last Pictorial l Review that may help you if you wish to get et that magazine |