Show Sargent Painting Bought by Muse Museum m NEW YORK March 12 APJohn AP AP- John S. S Sag nt's painting popularly popularly known as The Three Graces but called by th the artist The Wyndham Wyndham ham l as been purchased hy by the Museum pf Art It was dIvulged by Edward Robinson director today The Th-e picture which will ill soon be placed on exhIbition was purchased I from Captain G. G R. R C. C Wyndham nephew ot of its three e subjects Mary now Lady wIfe of the Earl Of Wemyss Pamela now Lady Grey of and Madeline l now Mrs Irs Charles Adeane The painting when exhIbited at atthe atthe the Royal academy in London in 1900 won his commendation Its Its' sale price while not made public is understood to be around I Ione one of the highest prIces paid for I 1 the work of an American r I I |