Show S r ri SPECIAL B R I C K At A S. S V Your s SUNDAY our ourS S Lemon Custard f S S 1 Maple Pecan S Keeley Vanilla 7 25 pint 9 I I Dealers a aS SO quart i S 4 I j I. I p i I It S t i. i t c j I- I Ii S tI I i i Serve These o Delectable Shamrock Sh k I Ice ce C Cream ream f i BRICKS c I j 6 Oc A v VANILLA ANIL A BRICK of smooth J J b delicIousness WIth creamy a dainty green Shamrock of PISTACHIO PISTACHIO- QUART BRICK t. t The perfect dessert for all St. St P Patrick trick at Keeley Dealers festivities I S rom romI I ORDER FROM YOUR NEAREST KEELEY DEALER I KEELEY'S ST. ST PATRICKS PATRICK'S DAY SUGGESTIONS s Individual Ice Cream Shamrock Moulds Leaf 4 Clover Harp andL and L'- L' L'S i Irishman S Green Candy and White Buttercups Wafers Straws Tidbits Pineapple Green Punch Individual Cal Cakes es decorated in green S I. I 7 LL Dandruff in in 5 l Minutes Yes you can dissolve every particle particle parti- parti cle of dandruff in a few tew moments moments' with time Leaving your scalp as pink and white and clean as any chUd's chIlds So many hair hait and scalp disorders yield to tl the e first few drops of Dan Dan- derine Thousands use it to prevent prevent pre pre- vent hall hair failing out Fully a million mil mu- lion owe the silky ot of theIr hall hair to its genUe gentre invigoration Any permanent wave or water wave lasts and looks much nicer when is used Instead ot of water to set the wave Why experIment ex- ex with anything else when Is not surpassed even asa as asa a dressing lk Your Druggist Get a bottle or of and start its benefits today Every drug store In AmerIca h has s It for only For the tue finest dr dressing you could ou could find and the best aid to hair health yet t discovered disco just tr try try- After Grippe Bronchitis Cold ColdS S Or Cough Build Strength With EMULSION Rich In The Health Health- Giving Vitamins Of 01 liver Cod Oil Scott Bowne field N. N I. I V 26 BONNES BONNE'S DONT DON'T BOIL D 1 BOIL L HoHl alt ruP PABST ABST BLUE RIBBON N Pure by byI I COSt CO St Lake I I Always successful Look I for for the yellow can On sale lale At all better stores j S I j PHILLIPS Mil M of Magnes Instead of soda socIa hereafter tako a little Phillips Milk l of Magnesia l in water any time for Indigestion or sour acid gassy stomach and relief re- re lIet lief will come instantly Better Than Soda For fifty years genuine Phillips Milk ot of MagnesIa has been prescribed pro pre proscribed scribed by physicians because it overcomes three times as much acId In the stomach as a saturated solution solution tion ot of bicarbonate of soda leaving the tho stomach sweet and free from all gases ases Besides It neutralizes acId GOe fermentations in tIle the bowels gently urges urge this souring from the system without purIt It is far more pleasant to t soda Try a Bottle takle Insist upon T e five cent and 50 cent bottles drugstore Milk ot or MagnesIa i been the U. U S. S Registered TI T MarIe of The Charles H. H PJ Chemical Company and Its pr cessor Charles H. H Phillips Adv oe i 8 01 o I o I Wet W Wh a h Fla it iti o i 9 oI I Ironed d 1 O 0 All of U o the hardest worK a g 0 S 0 done for you the 0 wash wash- 0 g ing and ironing of th the Q flat pieces Only th g S o wearing apparel for you o 0 0 to iron and that ju jus t 5 o 0 0 I damp enough o 0 S 0 S g 0 S 0 g 0 I p 0 0 I 0 g LAUNDRy i E t 0 6 g D. D W Work or k 0 Hyland I Office South Main O oeO Oo o h |