Show p 1 i i Child hild Gets Sick Cross Feverish if Constipated Ok a at tO 1 e Then give fruity laxative f for r stomach stomach S bowels boes 1 I J n Fig Syrup cant can't cant can't harm nann children nd they hey l love ve it fl Ji f i k- k Your child isn't natural natural- oss Ici-oss y ross and peevish See if tongue I is Id coated this is a sure sign the lit lit- tf mach liver and bowels nee neel a a. 5 c at once When listless pale ev lish I till full o J cold breath bad throat sore nt eat sleep or act naturally ha ache n. n rem n in- in a gentle liver and bowel cleans cleans- ll shoUld alwa 3 be the the first treat treat- rn given Nothing equals California Fig ig SrUl for childrens children's give a a. t a andin d' d in a feW hours all allS S th foul roul waste sour bile ani fer- fer OF THE A ANNUAL NUAL 5 S t STATEMENT OF THE dependence Indemnity t f I Company ji Home me office Independence r Square Philadelphia 1 S President Charles Ii 11 Holland I t Secretary James Morrison k h howing condition on December a 51 I 1112 made to the Commissioner or of In- In or of the state or of Utah pursuant f w r 1 ASSETS t. t Mo IQ gage an and other ther loans jI Bonds londs arid and stocks 0 C Cast s1 In in office and banks bank 1 Other ledger assets a. IIi 5 j assets I 2 l d er assets 89 89 h I t 1 gross o assets assets' 9 7 s assets not admitted r t al S ad assets J LIABILITIES Unearned premium r 0 e mount ld Ie loses ses Et- Et L claims b i liabilities W i e total t C r u. u V us s as te 64 5 tota Tota surplus and otter er 1 les Al or Ut h. h County of Salt Lake ss e that the named above cc any ts tiled filed Its Its' annual state state- rt ot of wHich the foregoing Is synopsis syn syn- and has complied with the laws of sta state e relating to l Insurance s and therefore IS duly authorized to trans trans- t business or of insurance in the stat or of utah until the last day of ofF Fb F mary 1928 u S vIn whereof I hereunto set f and am my official seaL this this' 5 15 ay or of March 1927 1 eal J G. G l Commissioner mIS lone of t Insurance ra n. n T i t j 11 J j t l bowels passes out of the anti and food which is clogged in the you have a well and playful child again All children love love this harmless harm harm- harmless less delicious delicious' fruity laxative and it never fails to effect a good a-good good inide in ide cleansing Directions for fok ha- ha bios bies children of all ages ages' and ages and grown ups ups are plainly on n the bottle Keep it handy handy- In your our home A lIttle lIttle- given today s ves' ves vesa a a. sick child tomorrow but get the genuine Ask your our druggist for a Call fornia Syrup then s 's see e that it is made by The California Fig S Syrup rup Adv SYNOPSIS OF TIlE THE ANNUAL ANNUAL STATE OF THE North American Accident Ins Insurance rance Company Home Iome office No So LaSalle str street et Chicago Illinois E E. C. C Wailer Valler Secretary A A. J E. E Forrest Showing condition on December 31 1926 made to the Commissioner or of Insurance of the state ot of Utah pursuant to law 5 ASSETS Mortgage and and- other loans Bonds and stocks Cash In office and banks banks banks' Other ledger assets Total ledger assets assets Gross assets Less not admitted I Total 0 tal admitted a. a assets 5 5 5 68 L'- L' LIABILITIES Unearned ni rn d premium 70 Net amt at ulI unpaid ald loss losses s sand and claims All Al other othe liabilities 16 2 Total 82 Capital Surplus Surplus Surplus ts to policyholders 86 5 Total Total capital capita surplus anSI ans other ther liabilities 68 State or of Utah C or of Salt Lake Lake s. s This that the named above company has tiled filed its annual statement tate state ment or of which the foregoing I ig n a synopsis and nas complied with the laws or of this state relating to insurance ance and therefore Is duly authorized to transact time the business or of insurance In the state of Utah until the 1 day or of February l' l 1928 witness whereof r 1 h set hand and affix Thy ny- ny official official- seal eal let 1st day of March 19 1927 7 S Al t fJ 9 l Ed t C urance v 1 New Columbia Records j Electrical Process with No Advance in Price j duet Ford and Glen Glen- TELL Glen TELL PAL OF ME MY Vocal TONIGHT LONESOME Vocal HOURS duet Ford and Glen 1 WHO MUDDY DO Fox WATER YOU Fox LOVEI-FOX trot vocal trot chorus chorus- Both played by Earl Carrolls Carroll's Vanities Orchestra Jj Waltz ME TONIGHT YOU BELONG TO Vocal Chorus Played by the Cavaliers with Knickerbockers lJ BLU E SK SKIES Fox I Fox trot vocal vecal chorus the 0 Mail Postpaid Records Marked X I Name i S Main d ih Glen Ien Roberts Piano Co Uta w. w J r t L-t S I L d I f I I j Ml i p S. S 0 GENERAl MOTORS LATEST ACHIEVEMENT ACHIEVEMENTS S he New and Finer 1 5 a f. f l 7 A h rn r i f. f l S 5 i S SEDAN 1775 Oakland today announces an entirely new line of n A r. r Mech h ica 1 R eli t ts tsI Si- Si 7 an n em en s j I numerous refinements in in design carry In to the numerous elements of greater 5 ing n new low prices and constituting t the e most most beauty and style the new and finer Pontiac Six Six S electrifying development in In the priced low SIX Introduces many new features and refinements refinements' i T t field since since the now now historic historic introduction of the in in engineering design such as tilting beam head head- r f. f t r t original Pontiac SiC lights with foot control new transmission transmission and o oi 5 i r I AT 7 1 i i 1 7 Never in an any brake brake levers steering wheel with aluminum m 5 1 V W 1 l isner h er B Doilies 0 d. d les priced low s six spider a dutch clutch e e smooth r and D positive and oil sealed universal l t- t have been ed such co commanding beauty and m in action an j luxury as In nt of Ge ral T Two New AT B d T Two en- en the FIsher J WO 1 yeW Body 0 Types J. J Motors luster to ven y new 1 I ti I of masterly craftsmanship the new bodies by body types of characteristic beauty have been 7 4 I FISher are longer lower and superbly executed to the Pontiac Six line These re a dashing i i 5 i i A 11 AT 1 7 1 youthful Sport Roadster finished in Lucerne 5 All D C yeW Vew aco 1 r 1 size size their Blue striped with Faerie Red and a passenger 4 inherent inherent smartness all body types are finished in Sport Cabriolet with Brevoort Green top and S new combinations of Duco colors Ranging from f fenders and body in an Cherokee Gray striped with t S J 1 Beverly Blue and Black on the Sedan to Cherokee o orange ange to riv rival l the vogue and smartness of the hIghest priced of the day t cars S Gray on the Sport Cabriolet the originality and S freshness of these combinations typify the pro I of f S fi ness which led Oakland to pioneer Duro Duco From ironi the hour of its the Pontiac i for the Industry at large si Six kindled wildfire enthusiasm all allover ver the land S St t S I New ItT Beauty P t and 1 Style c i Pontiac Developed on n the great General Motors Proving yew an A LyLe SIX beau Ground It Introduced elements of stamina k i perty per per- 5 S 'S ty has always been outstanding But But now in these economy and comfort unheard unheard-of at r new and finer models has been achIeved not only IJ the priCe J. J new beauty but also an arresting the rakishness I N ow t h. h ere a ew an d SIX built In iI results of ofa a deeper radiator larger heavier and l more crown fenders and more massive vast new factorIes and offe offering ng even more com com- headlamps Windshield and body pillars are D beauty even more ore advanced engineer narrowed t to conform to the accepted custom custom- mg Ing at even eve lower tower p prices prices-a ices ices-a triumph reflecting all allS S t S S the experience skill dull and tremendous d. built vogue and to provide a wider arc j of General Motors Motors' resources resource i 1 f Window rv In d ow I ledges e d are smart I y d an and d fi finished niB h e d 0 enera t S in a contrasting color Come in See this making history car AT HEW JAW w wI PRICES I Yf r j T 1 Sedan da Sport 5 Sport Cabriolet f Coupe Coup Landau Sedan DeLuxe Landau Sedan i All S J t 2 I 4 i FROISETH tor m Alli tj t- t r. r I r i iJ j J. i t 1 t 1 1 i c I I. I |