Show COURT CLERKS GET BET PAY HIKES S Monthly pay increases of 5 each cach for seven Salt Lake City court clerks were among the 10 which city commissioners had approved approved approved ap ap- ap- ap proved Wednesday An ordinance increasing the pay payot of ot Miss Stella Connor chief clerk clerkin in the department of finance and I. I public affairs from to per pcr month was adopted Pay of W W. Y Tipton chief computer computer computer com com- puter and J J. J A A. Erickson assistant assistant assistant as as- computer was increased 7 per pcr month for each man man- Mr Tipton Tipton Tipton Tip- Tip ton will draw and Mr Erickson Erick- Erick son under the new scale Both men are employed in the engineering department Appointment of William M. M James Seventh avenue as city and county building janitor at per pcr month effective as of February 21 has been approved by commissioners |