Show C Cookies ck oki s' s 1 Are Ideal Dessert Desse rt i r c cf f f. f In In I keeping with the trend toward more economical and I more than nutritious n than ever foods are ere cookies such such such-as as these Economical Economical Economical Eco Eco- because t they ey make thrifty y dessert combinations with seasonable fruits of all kinds Served for fort themselves they also afford a pleasing climax climax cli cli- I max to any meal And nutritious nutritious nutritious because they are made with enriched flour with its promoting health store of B vitamins and iron Not to be overlooked for food value are the peanut butter and d the chopped prunes used in this r y recipe Prune peanut butter cookies are ideal for childrens children's menus They introduce simple confections into young dietaries while sl 1 contributing their share of the daily dally food needs for proper I growth and development I t PRUNE PEANUT BUTTER BUrrER COOKIES 1 One cup brown sugar 14 cup cupI I 1 shortening i cup peanut butI butter butter but- but I ter ter j 2 eggs 1 cup chopped stewed prunes 2 cups sifted I flour 2 teaspoons b baking king powder powder powder pow pow- der Vt teaspoon salt h 14 teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tea tea- spoon Vanilla extract 3 teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon tea tea- spoon lemon extract Cream sugar shortening and peanut butter Add beaten eggs and beat well Add prunes Sift flour baking powder and salt together and add to first mix mix- ture tune Ad vanilla and lemon extract extract ex- ex i S tract Drop on greased baking sheet by spoonfuls and bake bate in moderate oven degrees F. F f for 15 minutes Yield About four dozen meI me me- me- me 1 diem sized sized cookies cookie I aT s e 1 yi f 1 a t ay ty A A nJ t 71 f t 4 fk f p k k Y a 4 t td s 's liR t F e Y pl E R dv d q R Y w rr a aP P 1 d r Pru Prune Peanut Butter cookies are just the the thing for th that Y school after snack for the kiddies kiddies and and s-and and they're so economical to make Served as dessert ert they're a arP pleasing sing cli climax ax to a any meal al a and the tood value cannot afford to be overlooked |