Show Housewives Here s Quiz as 1 Guide to Your Thriftiness Waste is something that we weare weare weare are hearing a great deal about these days and that will be brought home to us with Increasing increasing ing emphasis as the days go on Y You u probably think youre you're an economical housekeeper but If you were to ask the opinion of an English housewife shed throw up her hands In horror Some years ago Mr Coleman the Mustard King stated that he had made his fortune not noton noton noton on the mustard people ate te but buton buton buton on the mustard they wasted And this is no doubt true of such items as coffee tea soap flakes and cleansing powder We brew a of tea and use so much we have to dilute it with hot water we waste enough soap in a year to do the laundry for the army and naVy na So ask v yourself a few pertinent questions questions ques- ques and rate yourself as a wartime wartime wartime war war- time housewife Here are some questions as a a. a guide to your thriftiness 1 1 Do you telephone your daily dally order to the butcher or grocer grocer Unless you shop personally personally per per- checking weights and and Inspecting fresh foods you are not getting the best value for your m money mey Yes Yes No 2 2 Do you inspect your icebox icebox icebox ice ice- box every morning before planning planning planning plan plan- ning the days day's menu with an eye to utilizing every over left That bit of beef stew with the addition of a fresh kidney would make a a delicious low-cost low beef and kidney pie you know Or Ordo Ordo Ordo do you just go ahead and order fresh meat for dinner 7 Yes No 3 3 Do you throw throwaway away the outer green lettuce leaves or celery stalks stalks' You are wasting food and minerals for they should be used In soups sauces or gravy Yes yes No 4 Do you heat a teakettle full fuU of water and then use about half of it it Yes No 5 5 Do you immediately lower the gas flame as soon as things have come to a boil If you dont don't you youre you're e wa wasting ting fuel yes Yes No 6 Do you waste food by letting letting letting let let- ting it stick or burn This is something you have to watch very carefully especially if you have copper copper clad clad stainless steel kitchen ware Copper bottoms bottom heat much more quickly than other metals and you never needmore needmore need needmore more than a low or medium flame So blame yourself for wasting heat not the pots and pans Yes r No No 7 7 Do you pay an additional price just because you like the looks of white eggs better than brown Theres There's absolutely no difference in taste or food value you know Yes No 8 8 Do you let your children waste food by permitting them them to help themselves to portions they cant can't eat eat Do you let them them- take excess amounts of maple syrup sugar honey or or jam Yes No 9 9 Do you throw w away sour milk or cream cream Or do you use it in cooking to turn into nto cottage cottage cottage cot cot- tage cheese Yes Yes No 10 Do you save bacon fat fat fat- chicken fat and suet to be used as shortening ing If you dont don't you are foregoing fine flavors and wasting valuable food Yes Yes' No Give yourself a credit o of 10 30 for each affirmative answer answer- answer answer- but if you get less than a perfect score score 4 you are wasting 60 or 70 is is not a passing mark in tHis test f |