Show Enemy Aliens Quit Areas 16 6 in California f SAN FRANCISCO Feb 25 AP Federal AP-Federal Federal agents moved I into ito to 46 forbidden areas in California Wednesday with orders to rest or investigate any enemy aliens remaining in these strat stra- stra t II- II egic gic c zones beyond the deadline of Tuesday midnight Only I Only the aged and ridden bed-ridden we Were permitted to stay Others tome orae in m all had to leave ave their heir homes and businesses in the areas areas reas or face internment for the rest rest cst of the war t I Curfew Curlew areas covering nearly one fourth erie lie fourth fourth of the state affected thousands of other aliens They must mist have special permits to Visit Visitor or or r work in these zones between the he e hours of 9 p. p m m. and 6 a. a m. m Mass lass Migration Seen The possibility was seen of a amass mass nass migration of Japanese farm corkers Corkers to California's inland areas and even en to other states Operators Aerators of extensive agricultural ural tural properties and sugar refines nes es told government agencies icy ey cy could use some J Jap- Jap p- p inese workers workers because because of the expected expected expected ex ex- shortage of normal labor They They are all aU seasonal jobs and offers no complete solution of ot otte toe the te alien problem said Richard tl ft IL Neustadt regional director of defense health and welfare The They TheS S y ones that would be wanted pe re agric agricultural laborers and thou thou- J lands of the enemy aliens are not farm firm workers I If H Japanese labor is called upon t was emphasized the prevailing wage age will be paid I Neustadt said two Idaho sugar beet wet refineries indicated they could use lise about 1000 Japanese apiece dung the season California canneries cany can- can y and growers he said offered of- of l ered ea to take approximately I a anese upon the approval of Military authorities Celery klery Price Soars 1 The evacuation of ot alien Japanese Japan- Japan ese e 5 and Italians from farms Ine in lie e San kan Francisco bay area was reflected in soaring prices on the 2 all i Francisco vegetable market Celery try for instance was up to 3 rate Cite as against 2 last r year at atus us s time times said wholesale wholesaler wholesale produce men r n and officials official of the state and andt t tu e. e eral Departments of ot l Shipments were down nearly 40 i r Per r cent 1 ia e shortage is already acute d t o ue ni its it's a one going to o Set get worse se said said I Ine pro Produce man a Julius Zentner I |