Show WAR AAR BULLETINS BULLETINS j TOKYO Official broadcast Jap Japans Japan's ns n's senior tate statesmen men will ni mc mc et t ft pt t 9 a a. a in m. Thursday at Tojos Tojo's official rc residence Ito to dJ discuss the war situation Keep Ke p th the Guns Roaring Buy Bo Bonds Bonds- Is I 1 CITY CITY Japanese Japanese c re- re n Mexico's Pacific c twist area arca ar e ha ave been ordered to move at least miles inland immedi immediately immediately imme imme- v di as a precaution against sab sabotage tage and fifth column Ilie federal authorities au- au d Speed Spee U U. U S. S Offensive Buy Bonds Bonds- W WASHINGTON Attorney General Kiddle iddle announced that among the first enemy alien cases calc disposed of after arrests li by b tl the e l FBI I he had ordered aliens interned while releasing outright and paroling PONCE Puerto Rico Rico tj five survivors of a n U. U S. S freighter sunk b by a submarine 30 miles off Puerto Rico landed Wednesday afternoon at Guan Guan- ie lea ica U.S. US U.S. MUST Respond Buy a o Bond Bond Bond- I OTTAWA Ont Onto Sweeping powers powers to remove remo all Japanese and other persons whether naturalized nat nat- nat w Canadians or not nor from from British Columbia are given the mini minister ter of justice under ah iii order or- or order order or or- der In In council announced d b by Prime Minister l Mackenzie a fing r Better Better Buy a Bond r Than lian Be Bombed LONDON LONDON LONDON shipping lo losses ses of all nations from the start tart of the Uie war ar to January 1 I 1912 l ic re estimated c by the cham Pi f shipping of the United United Unit Unit- I ed cd dom at approximately tons tOilS I j |