Show Popular S. S L. L Marine Recruiter Transferred to Coast Station First Sergeant James S fJ Brown of the United States marine corps' corps Salt Lake district recruiting staff has been transferred to a west coast marine barracks it was re reported reported reported re- re ported Wednesday Since coming to Salt Lake City in September of 1939 with Colonel J. J B. B Sebree to open the district station Sergeant Brown has become become become be be- come widely known In Utah Idaho and Wyoming and has been active in bowling and fish and game circles When promoted from staff sergeant sergeant ser ser- ser ser- geant shortly after being stationed here he reportedly became the youngest top sergeant in the marine corps The recruiting station has maintained maintained maintained main main- a high ratio of enlistments during Sergeant Browns Brown's tenure here having exceeded on a population population population lation basis Denver Seattle and other western district stations said Captain Con D. D in charge of the station Sergeant Brown had high praise for the Utah men recruited into the corps In physical worth and all allaround allaround allaround around adaptability they hold their own with men any in other section of the country he said Known as an ace recruiter himself himself himself him him- self self Sergeant Brown has made several trips into the territory although his duties have been concerned concerned concerned con con- with routing of recruiting details On a recent trip to the White WhiteRocks WhiteRocks WhiteRocks Rocks Indian reservation near Roosevelt Sergeant Brown enlisted enlist enlist- ed sons of two chiefs an achievement achievement achievement achieve achieve- ment considered outstanding by other recruiters Captain lauded the accomplishments accomplishments accomplishments ac ac- ac- ac of the noncommissioned noncommissioned noncommissioned officer who will leave Monday Monday Monday Mon Mon- day with his wife for the new as as- N. N x S Si St. rAM i t. t L AL 7 SERGEANT JAMES E E. BROWN Ace recruiter gets transfer |