Show U. U S. S Hospital Land Hearing Set Only two of the 17 tract owners concerned will be required to appear appear appear ap ap- pear next Monday at a federal district district district dis dis- dis- dis court hearing called to speed start of construction on the proposed proposed proposed pro pro- posed bed 1000 military hospital at Brigham City it was reported Wednesday by officials The hearing is on a show-cause show order issued by Judge Tillman D. D Johnson and requested to enable immediate purchase of the acre tract selected for the hospi hospi- tal Fifteen owners of tracts making making making mak mak- ing up the site have agreed to sell their land to Brigham City at stipulated stipulated stipulated prices The others must show the court courtat at the hearing scheduled for 10 30 a. a m. m March 2 In federal district court at Ogden why their shares should not be condemned for Immediate immediate immediate Im im- im- im mediate government use |