Show Flavorful Tips on V Vegetables les lesHow How many different vegetables are there to choose from in winter winter win winter win win- ter What's your guess Elizabeth Woody has counted 52 raw 52 raw canned and quick frozen frozen even even in March and she tells teUs of some some delicious ways of cooking and nd serving them Wake up to the wide and appetizing appetizing appetizing ap ap- ap- ap range of colors vegetables vegetables vegetables vege vege- tables can add to your meals Here are the newest and most wise nutrition-wise ways to keep and to cook vegetables All AU vegetables Cook or heat as quickly as possible Use in soups sauces gravies etc all liquor left after cooking Do not not- stir in air unnecessarily during luring cooking or heating Do not add baking soda Cover unused or leftover portions and store in refrigerator in clean container Raw vegetables Wash then store in refrigerator in covered vegetable crisper or refrigerator bag Do not let vegetables stand after peeling or cutting Avoid soaking Cook mild flavor flavored d vegetables tightly covered in in small amount of boiling salted water cook strong flavored varieties varieties varieties va va- va- va for example cauliflower onions turnips whole cabbage uncovered in larger amounts mounts of boiling salted water Canned or glassed vegetables To heat drain liquor into saucepan saucepan saucepan sauce sauce- pan boll boil quickly Uncovered to reduce amount Add vegetables heat quickly season When vegetables are served cold as asin asin asin in salads reserve liquor for use usein usein usein in soups sauces gravies etc |