Show Orchestra Slates Modern Work In Symphony Concert Tonight of Salt Lake City Will have an opportunity to compare an American composer with wit old world masters on Wednesday Wednesday- at S 20 p. p m. m in Kingsbury hall when Jerome Kerns Kern's Showboat Symphony is presented Interspersed In the symphony are works from Wagner Liszt and Mozart cleverly balanced with the inspiring Kern ern melodies said Utah State symphony orchestra officials officials daIs of the event An augmented orchestra directed direct direct- ed by Hans Heniot has drilled diligently on the Showboat score one of two playing In the United States A capacity audience is expected to observe Civic Club night at the presentation Members of service clubs have purchased large blocks of tickets said association officials officials daIs in a move to encourage con con- to r receive direct ear and eye proof that the orchestra is an asset to the state and the community Roland Hayes Brookline Mass noted negro tenor tenon who is visiting visiting visit visit- ing for several days in Salt Lake City will be a special guest at the concert |