Show Center Dale Rex Joins Sick Bay Of B BYU Y U Cag rs Special to The Telegram PROVO Things PROVO Things are getting tougher and tougher for the Brigham Brigham Brigham Brig- Brig ham Young university basketball team this week with the latest reports showing three of Coach Floyd Millets Millet's regulars in bed with the flu and a reserve on a trip with the university band Dale Rex the starting center in every game this year Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day was on the sick list along With Bob Orr and Dwane Deacon Esplin starting guard and forward forward forward for for- ward while Dale Hunt reserve forward was the wandering mu mu- With only six players on hand Millet spent most of the time in Tuesdays Tuesday's practice teaching the boys how not to foul If the sick do not recover the Cougar team is going to be very shy on reserves when they play Colorado State at Fort Collins Friday night and Colorado university at Boulder Saturday |