Show Pol Polly ly J Johnson and Orin Lund Plan Early March Wedding A romance that began on the flying field is culminating in marriage marriage its its it's that of Miss Polly Johnson and Orin L. L Lund The popular young couple plan to wed early in March Miss Johnson is the daughter of Mr and Mrs H. H J. J Johnson Ninth East street and Mr Lund is the son of Mr and Mrs R. R L. L Lund Emerson avenue Both Miss Johnson and her fiance are former University of Utah students and they both are interested in flying Miss Johnson Johnson Johnson John John- son has her private pilots pilot's license and Mr Lund his commercial license Miss Johnson Is an active member of the Democratic party and is retiring vice president of the Young Democrats' Democrats organization tion She was the youngest delegate delegate delegate dele dele- gate to the Democratic national convention in Chicago in 1940 and now is personal representative tive of Governor Herbert B B. B Maw Parties already lined up for the elect bride include one to tobe tobe tobe be given Thursday evening by Mrs Robley B B. Evans Second Second Second Sec Sec- ond avenue willbe will willbe willbe be Miss Sybil Rodwell Mrs C C. J. J Thornton and Mrs Eleanor B. B Beckman Mrs R R. L. L Lund and Mrs Glenn E. E Strong have planned a kitchen shower for Miss Johnson Johnson John John- Johnson son at the Lund home to be given Friday evening |