Show Preparations re Near ear Completion 1 For 1 1 Junior Prom Friday By Telegram Leased Wire PROVO PROVO Plans Plans for the Brigham Young university junior prom Friday night were nearing completion Wednesday according according according accord accord- ing to Mark Weed Salt Lake City chairman With the new Joseph Smith building its lovely ballroom luxurious luxurious luxurious lux lux- urious lounges and modern banquet banquet banquet ban ban- hall hail available this year students students students stu stu- dents are are anticipating the best prom in history Fewer decorations decorations decorations decora decora- are needed thereby cutting the cost down Mr Weed said Although favors have been eliminated eliminated eliminated elim elim- this year in order to conserve conserve conserve con con- serve for national defense corsages corsages corsages cor cor- sages will be in order the chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man said In keeping largely with many of the mirrored rooms in the Joseph Joseph Joseph Jo Jo- seph Smith building the theme of the formal dance will be Reflections Reflections Reflections Re I Details of the lighting system I which will emphasize the theme are being kept secret by the prom committee Thursday morning the annual junior assembly will be presented in the Joseph Josepn Smith assembly hall President and Mrs Heber J. J Grant of the L LD D S church Dr F. F S. S Harris university president and Mrs Harris members of the university board of trustees church leaders faculty members and parents of prom committee members will be special guests Mr Weed said |