Show The National Whirligig By Ray Tucker Telegrams Telegram's Washington Co Correspondent WASHINGTON Wendell WASHINGTON Wendell L. L Willkie's proposal to make Douglas A A. MacArthur the top commander of our armed forces has struck no sparks at Wash Wash- ington MacArthur is recognized recognized recognized here as a field fighter rather than an administrative officer The man scheduled to lead our armies is General Hugh A. A Drum Although Doug is the final word in t the h e up make-up of an American soldier he is not liked by the political or military bigwigs bigwigs bigwigs big big- wigs at Washington The very qualities which enable him and his little band to hold out against an overwhelming superior superior superior su su- su- su force force cockiness cockiness bravado brava brava- do fearlessness originality originality originality-an- an antagonize timid associates who now sit in the seats of the military military military mili mili- tary mighty The army's attitude toward MacArthurs MacArthur's dilemma is quite realistic and cold MacArthur has sufficient supplies supplies supplies sup sup- plies for a protracted siege The exact number of months cannot be revealed but the plan for him to retire to his present position position position po po- po- po was arranged long in ad ad- vance He does not require food or small arms but he does need needmore needmore needmore more men planes and tanks Unfortunately Unfortunately Unfortunately Un Un- fortunately those cannot be provided provided provided pro pro- vided because the Japanese control control control con con- the encircling air and water o Even if we could furnish him with bombers and fighters he has no landing fields large enough to accommodate them Henry L. L won out in the scrap for custodianship of seven billion dollars' dollars worth of alien property because the president has implicit faith in his honesty administrative ability ability ability abil abil- ity and toughness He wrangled the assignment away from Leo T. T Crowley of the federal deposit insurance corporation and Attorney Attorney Attorney At At- torney General Francis Biddle N Numerous u m mer e r o 0 u s controlled axis-controlled firms are still doing business at atthe atthe atthe the old stand manufacturing and distributing drugs and chemicals essential to the war effort According According According Ac Ac- cording to Thurman Arnold these concerns maintain links with foreign and enemy inter inter- ests The secretary of the treasury treasury treasury treas treas- ury is counted on to break any ups tie-ups which jeopardize the na na- na- na tion's welfare and safety Actual management of seized property will be entrusted to an able and hard-boiled hard committee consisting consisting consisting consist consist- ing of Mr Crowley Treasury Counsel Ed Foley and Dean DeanG G G. Acheson state department economist Washington's most powerful and crushing agency has been established without fanfare although although although al al- al- al though it will have life-and- life death control over individuals and corporations It is the war requirements board headed by William L. L Batt the ablest a 1 l-a- l year soldier a at the capital and staffed by men from the army navy the maritime commission and the Wallace board of economic economic economic eco eco- warfare This bureau despite the quiet which surrounded its birth conforms conforms conforms con con- forms to t the h e council which Barney Baruch captained during during during dur dur- ing the first world war The Batt outfit will decide what plants can make what It Itcan Itcan Itcan can close down do old or open up new factories and to a degree determine the allocation of la labor labor labor la- la bor shifting workers from nonessential non- non nonessential nonessential essential to war-producing war corporations cor cor- It has the authority to tell a shipper what he may or or may not export or import Such a group is the embodiment of economic totalitarianism although although although al al- al- al though its function n is to make the world safe for democracy The secrecy surrounding its creation is is understandable For several years President Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt has been urged to set up such a department He has held back because acquiescence would seem to concede the justi justice e of their criticism So he now has done it silently and smoothly Southern shore and mountain resorts threatened with a loss of customers next summer can cheer up The army air corps will use their facilities for housing housing housing hous hous- ing training and feeding at least flying students The Tl war department has asked the chamber of commerce of the United States to compile a list of towns and cities which can accommodate these young young- Wanted particularly are hotels fair grounds baseball fields vacant schools and col col- col- col leges Minimum requirements demand demand demand de de- de- de mand sufficient facilities to care for a unit of But possibly this figure will be lowered or temporary buildings may enable local communities to comply with this provision Copyright 1942 McClure Syndicate |