Show TESTS GIVEN DIVEN DIVENTO 1 TO STATE GROUP Utah state department of of ot agriculture agriculture agri- agri culture fruit and vegetable Inspectors inspectors inspectors tors attending a four-day four annual c conference and training school at atthe aty y the Newhouse hotel moistened their pencil tips Wednesday and underwent written examinations Problems Problems revolved around writIng writ- writ v Ing of certificates and methods of Inspection Tests were conducted by L L. W. W Brewer U S S. D A official official official cial and Earl Hutc Hutchings supervising supervising super- super inspector for the state department de- de department department de de- of agriculture Seth T T. Shaw state agricultural commissioner commissioner commis commis- lioner presided Thur Thursdays Thursday's sessions will include A talk on standardization quarantines quarantines quarantines tines and ana shipping point inspections Inspections inspections on agricultural products by Wilson Kellogg Boise supervising supervising ing Inspector for fol the Idaho state department of agriculture and a a discussion of working agreements between Utah and Nevada inspectors inspectors inspectors tors by Lee M. M Burge Reno chief Inspector for the Nevada state department department de de- of agriculture |