Show They Tackled Big Meal After 49 Hour 49 Hour Entombment y f Jy If v r p 3 ia L r L i a I r s a aI I la y g y E t y HUNGRY AND FATIGUED THESE MEN ESCAPED FROM MINE AFTER 2 DAYS William Peterson left Max Jorgensen Mark Jorgensen Sunlight pained eyes I MINERS RESTING AFTER RESCUE Special to The Telegram MERCUR Tooele County Feb 25 Three 25 Three miners rescued from entrapment entrapment entrapment en en- In workings at the Mercer Mercur Mer Mer- cur cUI Deep 1 Mines lines company were resting Wednesday planning to take it easy a few days before returning to work One of their first steps after returning to their boarding house here was to tie Into a big meal Hunger and fatigue were the only results of their being held 49 hours behind a landslide that blocked the mine entrance The three William Peterson 33 Mark Jorgensen 21 and Max Jorgensen Jorgensen Jorgensen Jor Jor- gensen 19 brothers all of Ophir were reached by a rescue crew which cut through 30 feet of nearly solid rock at 1130 a. a m. m Tuesday A A. A J. J Kirkman and A. A J. J Won- Won officials of the Snyder Snider Mines company which provided workers and equipment for the rescue efforts directed the work and praised the crews The crewmen made fast time through the rock Mr Kirkman said We are proud of them and the job they did |