Show PIPELINE WORK TO BEGIN SOON r State tate Drouth Relief Board Approves City Project t Allots I Work on oil a city pipeline to carr carry carrywater water waler from an emergency well into the Parleys Parley's conduit Friday was slated elated to begin as soon as a contract can be awarded following allocation of from the state drouth relief committee The sum will be for materials and the remainder of the cost approximately match 2400 for lor labor will be met by bythe bythe bythe the cit city The pipe feet leel long will convey con eonS Vc vey rey surplus water from a well welt at al Twenty third third East and Twenty sev nth South streets into the conduit end and nd so into the distributing reservoir on on- Fifteenth East street Projects Approved The committee approved a long longUst list of projects totaling about which follow Pipe Line Granite Water company compan Salt Lake county 1500 for pipe line East River Bottoms company Utah county 50 for canal Linden Town Ut Utah lh county i for lor replacement of pipe line damaged by recent cloudburst Kamas town Summit county 1500 for pipe line Hurricane water system 1000 in in addition to already granted for pipe line West Field Irrigation company Pleasant Grove 1500 for four wells Bountiful city Davis county 1585 to finish well project Zion Park Junction and Andersons Anderson's ranch Washington count county 1500 for inch four-inch well tank and windmill Bellevue Ditch comp company Pintura Washington county 1620 for ditch and lind pipe Leeds Domestic Water company Washington county 2500 for new head bead house and main Windmill and Well WellS S Pine Creek project Beaver county for r windmill and well Springdale village Washington county for tor storage tank and pipe Riverton Pipe Line company Salt Satt Lake count county 2350 for pipe line re- re pl Marion Marlon waterworks Summit county county coun ty for pump and motor Daniels Irrigation company compan Wa Wa- galch Fatch county for ditch and lin ing Santa Clara river water users Washington county 1400 for lor pump wells Spring creek project Wallsburg Wasatch county I Bear river culinary and stock watering project near Woodruff Rich county for tor pump well Central Bear river project for tor pump well Pleasant Grove Irrigation company 70 to complete ditch lining in addition ad to 1036 1038 already approved Virgin City culinary supply Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington county Liberty project Weber county to finish project In addition to already ed approved Glaser Ditch project Draper Salt Lake county 1185 for lining ditch Riverside Project Riverside community project SpanIsh Spanish Span Span- J ish h Fork Utah county American Fork city Utah county 1550 for water main extension to serve 20 families Spanish Fork ork West Field ditch to o complete sump and pump for which had already been ap ap- ap- ap proved Crockett well weli Cache county 96 06 to finish project in addition to lo 1435 already granted Acme Water company near Honeyville Honey Honey- ville me Box Elder county 2000 2000 for tank Coal Spring Water company compan near Brigham City Rock canyon storage unit Provo Utah county Wire Grass stock watering project Beaver Deaver in addition to already already al ale al- al ready approved I Silver Creek Irrigation company Sanpete county count to develop spring and pump wells W W. In fA Irons Sons Moroni Moron for pump well for irrigation |