Show r l f Murray urray Notes 1 i ie e Mrs Samuel Jackson entertained at dinner inner Tuesday at her home In Jn Miller ward vard in compliment to Mrs BertHill BertHill Bert BertHill Hill and Mrs Earl Russell and chil- chil circa dren ren of at El Segundo Cal CaI Other guests I were Mrs Ethel Hill and her daughter daugh daugh- ter cr Maude Mr and Mrs Ray Bar Sudbury and children spent the first part of the week at Bear Lake Mrs Leonard Jex a recent bride was the honor guest at a shower showe-r given at t the home of her aunts Mrs May Saville Saville Mrs I Leta ta B Bushman and Mrs Belva Morris Luncheon was served to o 30 guests Members of the Gospel Message Sunday school class of Miller ward ware spent pent July 23 and 24 at American Fork Tork canyon Mr and Mrs Henry Wheeler and daughter Beverly spent the holiday hollday at t Granddaddy lakes Dr and nd Mr Mrs R. R Johnson an zm- the arrival of ot a baby girl Mr and Mrs L. L H. H Broomhead and children spent Tuesday in Ogden Miss Mis Afton Anon Wagstaff was hostess to o members of her club Monday at her home borne in Bennion ward Mr and M Mis Mrs Eugene ne Jones and baby daughter will leave in a few days for tor Denver Colo Cob where they will win make their home Mr Jones has accepted a position with the govern govern- I I |