Show MARRIED MARRIED WITHIN YEAR 1 WIFE WOULD REGULATE l' l MARITAL HAPPINESS HA J I L Unusual l Opportunities Offered Readers rs Through Telegram Tele- Tele I gram grain I Information n f B Bureau H Husband us b ap d Resents Slurs By BETTY BLAIR Hard and fast rules for determining individual 1 provisions In marriage cannot be made Arrangements that wo would ld suit the temperaments of one couple might not work at all with another Married couples should study each others other's needs and arrange their programs accordingly Dear Miss Blair I am a young girl 19 years old and nd I have been married ne nearly rIy a year There ar r so many problems lems we young married mar mar- ned ried people have bave to meet which go to tomake tomake 4 A I make up for our future future fu fu- fu- fu ture happiness I II U f I 1 till w would 0 u I d therefore I-I I II f like your advice e on the following questions ques ques- f ii N 1 Should marH married mar mar- H tied ried people attend I I I ii public dances without without with with- out each other In my own case would it be all aU right for lor me to attend dances with my unmarried girl girlfriends girlfriends girlfriends friends while my husband works 2 2 How much time should a aman aman aman man have for his own pleasure and men friends and how much should hould be given to his bis wife 3 3 How may I overcome Jealousy jealousy Jeal jeal- Not that my husband steps out but if it he talks to another another an- an an other woman or dances with her twice I get all worked up I dislike dislike dis dis- dis- dis like being so catty He teases me about these women too Am AmI I so very foolish NEWLYWED Y YOur ur first and second questions are sri individual problems that cannot be bi satisfactorily rny answered in a general genera I Iway way by a detached person Whether married persons attend public dances without each other is js isa isa a problem depending for its solution entirely upon the reactions of indi married persons i in regard to it Jt There may be husbands and wives whose minds arc so far above the suspicious level whose viewpoint is isso isto to so 0 wholly tolerant and whose standard standard stand stand- ard of oC conduct is so EO far above reproach reproach reproach re re- re- re that each would gladly grant the other the privilege of attending dances without the other providing the other othel did not care to dance or had work that prevented n ed him or her from attending In your own case I think you OU would be establishing a very very- dangerous danger ous prec precedent dent You must remember that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander that j if ii you were to attend dances with without ut your husband the time might come when you would be unable to go and he would attend them without t you With your o r tendency toward to jealousy wouldn't such a situation spelL w un told mis misery ry iy for you The question of in individual and per per- tonal onal pleasures for the husband and wife wile is b also one that m must st be determined determined deter deter- determined mined by each married couple This depends upon the attitude each has toward the situation upon the time available and the money they have to spend for tor these separate pleasures Some young couples find it convenient convenient con con- to allow each other an evening evening eve eve- ning of lr freedom dom each week Others make no pretense of having any definite deli deli- nite arrangement about this In Incase Incase case case- where the young oung wife belongs to clubs' clubs and othe other ocial groups her time is usually given to these things during the afternoon hours between luncheon and dinner If It a husband plays golf golt h he arranges for Saturday afternoons or 01 any afternoon or early morning that h he may take from busi bud ness fleas Plans Must Be Mutual 1 If a wife is tied at home with young children it it is is a very pleasing arrangement for the h husband to stay home and and- look after things at least once a week while she goes to the movies motTles or visits visit her friends If It a husbands husband's husbands husband's husbands husband's hus hus- bands band's business is very tying he often feels it a great privilege for his wife wie to grant crant him an evening with with men friends As a rule men see their friends during business hours so itis itis it itis is not always su such h a boon to them to be granted an evening off oil oU as itis it itis itis is to the homebound wile wife Your problem of of- jealousy requires a separate letter and the entire space given to it and after that reams could be written about the distortions caused in the intimate lives of jealous jealous jeal jeal- ous people A jealous A-jealous man or woman can do more harm hann in one minute than they can remedy if it they live to tobe tobe tobe be years old The only way to control yourself is s by sheer will power Bite the tongue out of your mouth rather than say the catty things that come to your mind Learn to enjoy your husbands hus bus bands band's friends Practice the art of or being a 3 clever woman who can cnn hold her husband against all the other women women wo wo- woi i men in Id the world instead of a jealous jealous jeal jeal- ous fault finding woman who sows I Ithe the he first seeds of or unhappiness through jealousy and mistrust READERS ATTENTION Have you your our copy of Desserts Desserts Desserts Des by Fam Famous us Women offered offered offered of of- by The Telegram Information tf tion n Bureau through Frederick J Haskin director Washington D. D C. C Desserts by Famous Women is a page 32 booklet containing more than r recipes cipes by famous American women from every walk in lige Presidents' Presidents wives are arc among the contributors Dont Don't wait until this valuable service is no longer loncer available to obtain your our copy of these attractive attractive attractive tive desserts with the rules for lor making Use the forms appearing daily in The Telegram and 6 cents for this particular copy I am hoping all housewives who read Hearts Heart's Haven and who call callor callor callor 1 or write me about recipes and other household information will avail themselves of the opportunity to obtain in permanent I M form the information pertaining I to housewives notice of which will wilt appear daily in The Tele Tele- Telegram gram I A WORD FOR Fon HUSBANDS ANDS Dear Miss Blair 11 I wish to throw my hat into the ring regarding the standards of husbands Personally I know of dozens of devoted husbands who would w uld take it as a dastardly In in- in insult suIt sult if the suggestion were made that they might step out on their wives either in the past present or future I am a young oung married man the father lather of two children have an exceptionally hardy and vigorous physical body I have been away from my home and famil family more than half halt of our married married life life on business and Id I'd rather knock my my dear old mothers mother's teeth down her throat than be untrue to my wile wife I did n not t start out to praise myself my my- self seU here but I I. I resent slurs at husbands that a few weeks since appeared in your column The trouble with most girls is that all an they require of a a suitor is that he know all the new dances dresses well and is polite to her It If he defiles his body that doesn't matter to her so long as he doesn't defile her If It Ifa a fellow lellow knows how to kiss to so O that thaL a girls girl's toe nails come off oft loop the loop Joop and go ro back in place hes he's her big biJ dream come true I Girls who demand boys bos of this nature to love them later marry I the same kind and then wonder vonder why they step out on them Oh well vell Id I'd better stop raving after all this is only one husbands husband's hus bus bands band's opinion DAR DAB m mIt It is quite true that often the quail quail- t ties ies ies the girls look for in In sweethearts do o not seem so desirable in husbands But it also is quite true that many girls are entirely ly deceived in the men they marry If It young People only could realize how n necessary essary long and thorough acquaintanceship is before marriage much misery might be spared pared them later I f i I I |