Show i PAROLEE JAILED IN TRAFFIC CASE 1 I Given iven Five-Day Five Sentence on or Charge of Reckless l Driving I t Royal McKean 22 parolee from fron the Utah state slate prison received a five live day Jail sentence from Judge M. M J J. J I Bronson in police pollee court Friday McKean appearing for tor trial on a a reckless driving charge changed hl his hs plea to guilty He was arrested July 22 2 at Ninth South and Sixth East Ease streets by Patrolman H H. C C. Peirce I who vho said there were nine passengers passenger In fa a roadster driven by McKean trav tray ling cling recklessly and at an excessive I rate of speed Trial of C. C L. L White 43 69 North State Stale street accused of drunken dr ing was set for August 3 and bond bondas was as set at after aUer he pleaded not guilty cuilty White was arrested at t P m. m Thursday his machine allegedly al al- struck an automobile driven by Alfred AUred W W. Boulton 40 Woods Cross at Third North and Second West streets No one was injured j Trials of two other accused reckLess reckless reck less Jess drivers were continued to August t 8 8 They were Edward Thomas Darby I 26 Hansen avenue and George Brown 34 dispatcher for a taxicab i company Trial of Spencer Greenwell 35 j arrested at Sixth South and Main MainI streets July 14 and booked for drunk drunk- drunken I en tn driving was continued to August 7 I j James T. T Olson 21 2751 East Thir- Thir third ty-third South street pleaded not noti i j guilty to driving drivins with improper IiI Ii H- I cense plates and trial w was as set for Sat Sat- j When M. M Is M. M Thompson 39 Third East street pleaded guilty to toI I driving without a chauffeurs chauffeur's license he was fined 2 I David E. E SImms 39 arrested at j Fifth Filth East and Twenty seventh South 1 streets forfeited 5 2 2 bond when he of did not appear to answer charges driving through a stop sign i Pleading not guilty guilt to speeding charges trial of J. J W. W Broadwater 34 Kensington avenue was set for forI August 2 2 I Trial of James W. W Haddon 20 Jackson avenue was continued to August Au Au- t gust 7 Haddon is accused of operating ing a taxicab with faulty brakes and tailing failing to yield the right of ot way |