Show DEATHS Ella CorbrIdge BOUNTIFUL s Ella O 19 19 daughter J of LAwrence Ll 0 a. a and fu Tutt Tuttle died at t the home of her rand grand mother Mrs MM Sarah A. A Tut Tuttle tic at 3 p p. p m Thursday pg y of h heart t trouble rt b Miss Corbridge had been bern bedfast six Weeks and had tut suf with her heart hurt tb the gerater part o of her life George Gcorge M. M HutchIngs BEAVER George BEAVER FA V M. M of Hutchins 70 19 9 die died at the e family home here r Wednesday follow ing gt a eJ J lingering el rn Om illness of r heart trouble u George William Riley George decree William nile Riley 57 ST ST. died dl die d Thursday at a. a m. m in a local hospital Mr RUe Riley was wu found foul unconscious In city hall I rf park rho Wednesday gr night rth and taken I to m the Dee hospital where it was thought h he was suffering from a heart hurt attack Later Late Later bruises were found on hU his bod body and th the exact cause of or his death had bad not bee been determined Thursday Margaret Timothy CLEVELAND CLEVELAND Mrs Margaret Timothy 79 died Wednesday morning of nr Infirmities Incident to age ace She had been ben an Inval InVAlid since she suffered II a paralytic stroke eight years rears ago aco Sherman Ray Beck DRAPER DRAPER Sherman Sherman Ra Ray Beck month U-month old son lon of or Alreck k Ernst and Evelyn E Da Day Beck g died Wednesday n at p. p m m. at h his homo home here The Tho h child h l was sl born la n Darta Draper Drape J April 24 2 21 1933 1133 |