Show Amateur Squad quad Completed for Star Game Gan G ni I Five Chosen To Complete Star Lineup All Nine Federation Teams J Ar Are Represented Royal- Royal Holsum Squad Named J 1 By TOMMIE DE PORTER Team managers of ot the Salt Lake Federation of Amateur Athletics of officially officially I i- i dally adopted the 15 players players' of ol The 1934 star all team Thursday evening to represent the amateur body Inthe in inthe inthe the all star game of Au August g u oS t 12 12 against the oS squad qu CIU ad adZ i o. l Z 7 selected from ther the the- r F S 'S Royal Royal and Holsum HoIsum f squads of the State 1 Industrial Ind lal league r z o M f William K Kehl e h I z rJ hard hitting in g Fire- Fire v A I man s shortstop he r t sop t Tommy TO o fleet Red and and Earl Owen white infielder de r Emery Morton Sugarhouse Su- Su u- u slugger and Dave Duffy stellar twirler of the Thirty eighth Infantry and the thc leading hitt hitter r of ot the federation federation-as as of ot the averages of August 11 were 11 were named to complete the squad for tile the game Each team in the federation is represented represent d by byone byone byone one or more players Larry at first considered was omitted because because because be be- cause of ot a broken thumb The team will be piloted by Avar Crossgrove manager of ot the City and Bonneville champions last season He will be assisted by Deb Moss of Wa Wa- sateh satch C. C B. B Temple ot Firemen and ind Tom Carey of ot C. C Y 0 O. The Royal Royal-Holsum squad which will be piloted by M. M J. J Mick Scan- Scan Ion lon will consist of Bob Howard Lee Haacke and Frank Flank Christensen catchers Mel Scott Joe Barney Elmer Elmer El El- mer Haacke and Sammy Oliver pitchers Clare Evans and Bud Brown first basemen Sterl and Pete Huxford second basemen Johnny Pearson shortstop Fred Tedesco Tedesco Tedesco Te- Te desco and John Cappelle third basemen basemen basemen base base- men Earl Owen Darrell Bonny Dee MatL Mattson n. n Pete Dow and Ken Ander Anderson son outfielders Thome Thorne Coggle was withheld b by Royal because he be will start the teams team's league game that afternoon at- at against Mines The game will start promptly at 1030 a. a m. m and players will report at 9 a. a m. m for preliminary practice practice- P Plans ans include competition in running the bases f fungo ngo hitting catchers catcher's throw v to second base yard dash and long ong throw These contests will probably be held just before the start of ot the game and The Telegram award for the leading batsman will witt willbe willbe be presented at that time The winner winner winner win- win ner of this award will be he determined Iby by the averages released in Th The Telegram Telegram Tele Tele- gram Saturday A August g 11 which will cover the entire season To be eligible eligible eligi eligi- ble a batsman must have had 30 or more times at bat The batting averages averages averages aver aver- ages are published exclusively in The Telegram each Saturday At present Frank Argyle of Wasatch Wasatch Wa- Wa satch Glen Crowther of Firemen Red Shelton of Lovinger Jack Argentos of C C. C Y 0 O. and Elmo Lunnen of ot Draper are out leading contenders for tor the hitting prize Musical entertainment for the morning will likely be furnished by either the Thirty eighth Infantry band or the Policemen Firemen band Officials announced that no passes would be issued for the game all lall players umpires and scorers being required to pay in addition to donating donating donating do do- I their services Gate receipts will be equally divided between the amateur and md combined Royal Royal-Holsum squads and will be used to defray expenses of players of ot the respective groups injured during this or future seasons |