Show OFFICERS SEARCH FOR MISSING GIRL Relatives and Sheriffs Sheriff's Men Scour Canyons Police and deputy sheriffs continued continued contin contin- their search Friday for Genevieve Genevieve Gene Gene- vieve Murray 22 missing since July 23 from her home near Thirty third South and Nineteenth East street The womans woman's mother reported to Sheriff Sherif S. S Grant Youngs Young's office that she left home clad in a yellow dress with green collar and carrying a pair of ot overalls It was thought she may have gone to visit friends at Henefer but Inquiry inquiry inquiry in in- there failed to reveal her whereabouts Accompanied by relatives relatives rela rela- tives of the missing woman deputy sheriffs scoured Mill Creek and Emigration Emigration Emi Emi- gration canyons Thu Thursday day evening The missing woman is described as weighing pounds having light hair and blue eyes |