Show F E R A EFFICIENCY PROBLEMS DISCUSSED Seventy-five Seventy Foremen and Timekeepers of Utah County Get Instructions PROVO PROVO Means Means of achieving greater efficiency on F PER E R n A projects were discussed Thursday night at a meeting of or 75 P F FE E R RA A foremen and timekeepers of Utah county In the city and county building General instructions for duties of their positions were issued by byis is W. W L. L Mangum Mangul Utah ta co county tf P E E. E Elt R A manager who stressed accuracy necessity of eliminating mIStaKes in- in reports and need for greater cooperation tion ion between foremen and timekeepers ers ens rs and county officials Printed leaflets leaf lea lets of ot instructions and suggestions were ere dl distributed to those present D. D E. E Nelson Salt Lake City representative representative of the state FERA safety division stressed need for safety precautions precautions pre pre- cautions on jobs and ur urged ed greater creater care are In prevention of accidents accident F FER E R It A project accidents were much lower ower than C CV W V A. A he said sald and stated similar simi simi- an n accident prevention program lar ar to that employed by large Industries indus indus- tries ries was being put into effect on allERA all sil allERA ERA FERA work projects v vA A no loafing on the Job warning was as issued by C. C W. W Oxley district engineer who said complaints had hadeen been een received to the effect that FE FERA FER FERA R RA A workers workers workers' were not doing the amount of at work the they should hould This was directly a problem of foremen and timekeepers he said and urged that hat men employed be required to work as much as could reasonably be M expected of them |