Show R T TEA IS GIVEN rING TW TWO POPULAR VISITORS FROM EAST EASTe e Prescott Dunn Mrs H. H L. L Layton a and d Mrs Howard C. C Adams Preside at Affair r Lunch Luncheon on Given at Art Arc Barn Barn v jr EDITH HINES DINES By 7 W. W Prescott Dunn Mrs H. H I L. L Layton and Mrs Howard C C. C received at a charmingly appointed tea tes FrIday afternoon at ate atlie J. J Ellison of at for tor Mrs David Circle rn lie e of Mrs Dunn on wa way rk City formerly Miss Hazel Blood daughter of at Governor and lenry enry H. H BloOd H. Blood d and Mrs Har Hal Ellison lEUIson formerly Miss Jane of Fort Thomas Ky home ome tome was decorated with mid blooms and the artistic tea las s' s covered with a handsome n n lace cloth and centered with t of wax white gladioli Dure Dur Dur- f e etca tea hours a trio composed of oC Beverly Brown and Miss iss Ruth uth ot of Ogden and Miss Ml Dorothy Dorothyy 1 y of ot Salt Lake City furnished V tiding ding d g at the te tea table were ere fenry enry H. H Blood Mrs J. J E. E Elf El- El Mrs f George B B. B Lockhart and k Burgess Young Mrs Sid art act w was wa-s in charge of ot the tea assisted ted b by Miss Miss' Katherine Evelyn Blood Miss Mar Mar- Anson Miss Miss' Mabel Anson Miss lay tay Miss Jane Wright and Missen Miss en n Thomas One hundred and five r invitations were were issued Elinor Einor McCarthy entertained luncheon at the Art m ni n Friday honoring Miss Lois eU glia of San Francisco who istO is t tO of Miss Geraldine Hosmer A Ast st t. t or of pink roses decorated lc le where cov covers rs were laid for forn forn n n guests gu ts E. E Ib ibers ers of the Elks club will enat en en- 1 at t a c cabaret bar t dancing party at i Saturday on the tennis courts Elks Elks' club on East South Tern Tern- I Ie e et t. t Arthur Weir is chairman y Daughters of Jobs Job's Daugh Daugh- I Iethel Iethel ethel No 1 1 will meet Satur Satur- 2 p. p m. m with M Miss s Florencee Florence e Fifth Filth East street Miss 1 vans will be the assisting host host- p 1 Betty Thompson daughter of id Mrs J. J r J. J Thompson has Los ios Angeles for a three visit |