Show STAGE STAGE- SET FOR DOWNING SHO Huge Crowd CrowdIs Is Expected For Battles Maulers Mauers and Boxers Ready to Honor Vet Promoter Many rickets Sold The stage Is set liet the actors actor ere are ready and Salt Lake City fight fans according to all aU indications will be out in droves to see the big show how Friday night when the cream of Utah's boxing and wrestling talent takes part in the big combination program In honor of Utah's beloved veteran of all sports Hardy K K Down Down- Ing With thousands of ot tickets out and many sold tOld there is every indication that the former promoter will bo be DOWNING TESTIMONIAL CARD Jack Tift Pluck o Ogden r TI Enni Terry Duper 17 10 In round roandl Ogden Orden TI ys Sloe Mer Warren p Fork lightweights 8 e. Paul Pad Eram Fonn Sill Salt Lake TS ys Jimmy Jimmy- Shut Shul- 4 C. Ir rca Bern Dern TI s. s Sherman Christensen Al AI TI yg Hill flu Hanson Ashley Smith TI vs Art ArL Mueller tendered a handsome eh check k by his friends who comp compose se the Hardy K Downing testimonial committee Three wrestling and three boxing frays trays compose the program In wres wres- rr Ira Dern meets Sherm Christensen Christensen Chrisensen Chris- Chris ensen and Al Newman clashes with Bill Hanson in two headline events while Ashley Smith U. U S S. S C. C meets Lou Mueller of Germany in a welterweight welterweight welter welter- w weight ight pr preliminary All of ot the wres wrestling lUng bouts are arc one fall to win with witha a one hour time limit Classy Boxing Card The boxing also brings out the class of the intermountain territory for Jack Burke of Ogden meets Ennis Terry of Draper in ma ina a ten ten round round battle with Burkes Burke's intermountain welterweight welter weight championship at stake In the Young Dinsdale of ot Ogden Ogden Ogden Og Og- Og- Og den will wilt clash with Mog Warren Utah State college In 11 a six round bout out and in the curtain raiser Paul Evans of Salt Lake City former ama ama- eur lightweight champion will meet Jim of ot Riverton in a four four- round bout The show Is the culmination of two wee weeks weeks' effort by friends of Downing to o present a testimonial of the affection tion with which he is held by thousands thousands thousands thou thou- sands of fight and wrestling fans aswell aswell as aswell well as by all sportsmen throughout the he state The work of ot the show is being joing contributed even to the use of the he arena a present from R. R Verne McCullough who was once associated with Downing in fight promotion All AU proceeds will vill be turned over to the former promoter I Downing came to Salt Lake In the thc days when bicycle racing was popular as one of ot the most thrilling and darIng daring dar dar- ing sports On the old Salt Palace saucer track he hewon won several worlds world's championships at favorite distances distance and although he never earned the all all- distance American championship he was always near the top With the late Floyd McFarland he won the Australian championships He was also one of the first to ride motor motor- paced and won championships in that sport Famed Bicycle Rider Downing Do under the title of Daredevil Daredevil Dare devil Downing was the first to ride a bicycle the loop and he appeared appeared ap ap- with various fairs throughout Canada and the United States He was a fair amateur baseball player good amateur fighter tighter and is a lover of ot all outdoor sports He chiefly endeared himself to the fans Jans however by his fearless honesty in n the promotion of ot prizefights He Helas has las been the real father of the game came in Utah promoting pro it from an organized or or- condition to a highly interesting interesting inter inter- esting program before he retired to begin his ill fated real estate yen vena ture Although he had accumulated a pretty fair paper fortune it was wiped out and fans are presenting the show to give him a stake take for a belated new start |