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Show SAVE $50.00 SAVE $30.00 SAVE $10. fcfi-CCSM O-C 83 Ullll I IH yum! I mi f GIFT DEPARTMENT MAY SPECIALS MOTHERS DAY 8 MMWkx ' Proctor Never Uft Irons - $1195 - $10.95 SPECIAL SliH: Proctor Champion Iron . R $11.55 N0W $8.95 Hlirriranp MMk &-v Steam 0 Malic Iron . . - $16.95 $ 1195 " 6 MV ilex Steam Irons . . . $18.95 - $14.95 fJZLJ .Mfefell: Automatic Egg Cooker Sets - - was -now I $iidf2p , Tray 4 egg cups . . $H5 WiSlPW Egg Cooker poach or boil REG $7.95 Nmv $3.94 : I Sjg i' CI Q BRITE LITE LAMPS SAVE -8 Piece Living Room Group - - Si : SwrBSW!i coLomAL-a-wa, STO WO COUCH AND CHAIR Sfp Sfi - ' STIIDFMT I AMP Choice of color Blue-Turquoise, Cocoa Brown, Frieze or Mot LMPirJ 3 Matching Tables 1 cocktail tabl,l lamp table, lend table, lkj fif 1 Victorian design -full blown glass shades. painted table lamp, 1 six-way floor lamp, 1 throw rug. ' I lflm P 1 11 3' Hand, painted pink and red roses on milk All l"f fi A A A liSli ' white glass, bases of polished brass heav- , ALL rUf& 31 Pl . ily lacquered. " I "Ir I ' 1 "'"' ' V p - iimiiii IIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIII II III I1IWIWMIHIH S&W-M!-CM-av! tf . .j sy.fTA 1 Mother's Day Is Work - W CHROME DINETTE SET . Day - Give Her an applia J may festival value H foirnmflTlFlffl MM MT I to lighten her day. i 5 piece set Extension table $59.95 llVI II f J IHI il 1 I l tv ll l- II i (wwwMrj3s 20 piece set Deluxe pottery $5.95 IsI5lf J ff U.J-U-a-Kl V I t 1 IV. 11 JJ n r t I ai u- $65.90 4.JHi.Ji. fl JnxLls E- Triple Whip Mixer . $34; for S54.90 Give an appropriate Giftvfejf Ofl MQV 14 G. E. Toaster. Automatic pope: S itaiacatawcsMsi from FRIEL'S wide selec- xJr chrome finish $2(,: Clearance Sale On Many tlon' , Sunbeam Mixmaster . . . jsi Household Items BALLERINA Kiln fired pottery bakinV'wVa0 newriXamMSi Gay that touch of distinction tQ your taWe 2Q p.ece gets chopper-grinder for Mixmaster only & Aluminum and glass 33'3 - in open stock-Don Gray, Periwinkle Blue, Chartruese, Forest Green. 0. Waffle irons and sandC discount. 20 piece sets only $.595 grI .... $IS,jf Aluminum pressure pans TIFFIN CRYSTAL Sunbeam waffle baker... $fj GlaSS Coffee makers, well-known Give her, a place setting, or starter set in Tiffin lacey etched "Fusch- ' Automatic 'ronS ' ' ii siu" pattern, stein ware and serving pieces. Open stocks buUd your G F U . $17' brands. sets as you wish. c. steam iron m J- L ! T-rr- L I or- Changes instantly from dry to steam Plastic dishes Tiffin bud vases $1.25 - $1.50 -r r a m i tlRA! .b .Waffle Iron " r JJtLIZ Give Community Silver Tl u J14"95 k i. A complete stock. Sets or open stock pieces. lelechron OlOCKS v?? Combination ... . KSk'U CWM attreSS C If Vapr:nn DUnW Completely Automatic, set in and fjjfo T Rnl Wdienng nanierS . Makes your coffee, switches to drfflW iT Ji I Win Or DUnK No more stained tables. An ideal Gift for "Her." pcraturc. bed size $1.98 to $2.50 -$3.50 Casco' Kitchen Stools $9.75' J ; with ladder steps MIJB Copper or bronze hanging baskets planters $1.98 G E nds SELECT YOUR Tr. o . jt LP u 9 O Spring House f ! TABLE UMPS JT K 1 ID JL S ,c,ear rll DURING THIS SALE ,iSSL If Priced from $3.69 up PHONE 38 WE DELIVER l; 'i Kilchon patterns. |