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Show 5 ' nBrastaess . flMireedxiMry Directory advertisements of three lines or less, $1.00 per calendar month, one month minimum. Additional lines 25 cents per line per month. Display business directory ads, $3.00 per month. Ada run continuously unless notified otherwise. " HERALD WANT ADS H ll' o cents per line or fraction thereof per issue SII WITH ORDER - 30c Minimum per issue BY PHONE Minimum 50c per issue JsT ADS ACCEPTED any time up to noon Wednesday for T rtion in next morning- issue. iECTOKY advertisements of three lines or less, $1.00 per ndar month, one month minimum. Additional lines 25c per per month. 5YED" and "BLIND" ads, such as "leave name at Spring-i Spring-i Herald," "Phone Springville Herald," or "Write in care of ingville Herald," 25c per insertion additional to regular rate. TICLES FOUND and turned in at Springville Herald office be advertised one issue only, without cost to finder. Owner r identify and claim upon payment of 50c. While care Is taken ;5iandling such lost and found items turned in to the Herald, sponsibility is accepted for such articles. publishers reserve the right to edit, revise or reject any or . Miidvertising. In case of error or omission in any advertisement publishers are liable only to the extent of re-running the ad. DA 3rs should be reported immediately. &COAI, E. H. Miller's Cash Coal. Phone 704-J2. Third house North of Holley's, east side of road, Maple Map-le ton. CO AX, TRy Our Service Oiled slack, lump and nut. Cedar posts and lumber. J. Larvin Campbell and Sons, 312 West 1st North. Phone. 312-M COAL HAULING ABERDEEN Coal. J. G. Robbins. Any amount. Ph. 563-J. Spring-ville. Spring-ville. a27 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER FOR farm, lawn ant garden. Free soil testing. Edward H. Boyer, 234 W. 7th South. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Repairs on all makes refrigerators. refrig-erators. Valley Refrig. Phone 782. REFRIGERATION SERVICE WE HANDLE all commercial re- : frigeration works. Phone 425-J. C. A. Deelsen. TAXI DAY or night. Phone 777. Art City Cab. Waiting: room, 207 South Main. TIRE REPAIR WE guarantee fast service on every type of tire repair., Center Service. Phone 399. WANTED YOUR luxposed Kodak films for expert finishing. Regular or Jumbo Jum-bo size, same price. Modern Art Studio 25 West 2 So. tfca MISCELLANEOUS BUTTONS, Buckles covered, belts button holes made, sewing, alterations. al-terations. Faye Snelson. 527 So. Main. Phone 352-W mil ALTERATIONS CUYLER'S shop. 447 N. 2nd W., Provo. Phone 2276R. Expert tailoring. tail-oring. Women's smart suits out of men's. Men's, ladies alterations. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Repairs on washers, sweepers motors, small appliances. Val-ley Val-ley Refrig. 293 South Main. AUTO LUBRICATION MAR-FAC lubrication done by experienced ex-perienced technician with best equipment. Smittle'a Texaco Service. Phone 27. , AUTO SALVAGE WE buy and sell all used autos and parts. A and A Salvage, 507 North Main. Phone 163W. a27 BEAUTY CULTURE WANT to save your money? Get your beauty work done at the Provo School of Beauty Culture. Permanents, Hair dress, Tints, manicures, quality work. School prices. Phone Provo 1524, 11 East 1st North, Provo. Jn.29 BUCKLES & BUTTONS DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered, belts and buttonholes but-tonholes made. Mildred Simmons, Sim-mons, 340 E 2nd So. Phone 658-R. tfn CESSPOOLS & SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED by Veteran. Waste hauled in sealed tanks. Reasonable. Reason-able. Phone Provo 3607. COAL SPRING Canyon Coal. Prompt delivery. Call Reed M. Hales. Phone 278-J2, Mapleton. nl-p COAL BUY YOUR COAL from Boyers. Delivery by pickup. Phone 160-W. 160-W. Edward H. Boyer. 234 W. 7th South. tf DAIRY PRODUCTS PASTEURIZED Milk, cream and other dairy products. Daily delivery', de-livery', Sanitary Dairy. Phone 377-M. DRAINS - SEWERS RAZOR - KLEENED, electrically Revolving knives remove roots, grease scale, etc. Prompt Service Call Provo 3131, Don Wissmiller. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING For Custom Built Trailers, Truck beds, Cattle Racks. Tune-up work - Tractors and Farm Machinery Repair. Welding Iron Work Electrical Work, etc. ' F. & B. Enterprises Phone 269 J 1 South of Springville on Highway 91 Formerly Strongs Repair i Shop ; FOR SALE , Frigidaire refrigerator with "'"id-in mechanism. Good con-: con-: n. 8 cu. ft. only $99.50. at ; y's. Phone 38. T.OIL $1.00 per yard. Phone vV or 245-W. A-27 Dexter Washer. , Very good - ition. $47.50. Friel's Phone U ;S Garden and field seeds, ' en tools. Springville Feed. !30 J. tfc i Coronado washing machine, i 1 condition. $37.50. Friel's le 38. T0' ' ST new living room Bed- l and kitchen furniture, Cheap. 80 West 1st North. le 555W. a27 hole digger used 2 hours, TE.00. 531 South 3rd East, ie 623R. a27 3 Easy Spindrier washing line, very good condition. 0. Friels', Phone 38. riter Ribbons and Adding line ribbons, all types $1.50. City Publishing Co. tf dinette set, table and chairs IiO. Plastic table top and Istered chairs. Friel's. Ph. RO-LUX vacuum, all at-nents, at-nents, like new. Call 689W. a27 WESTINGHOUSE washing (line. Good condition. $34.50 's Phone 38. IE building lots, any size, leton. 1 block north of the III ch. Fred Jensen. Phone Z. a27 Kelvinator electric range, good condition. Calrod type ents. $99.50. Friel's, Phone G Fryers reasonable. Ph. V or call at 136 West Cen-M-4 Building Lot 60 x 135. i Curfew 574 So. 2nd East. m4 TAIN grown red bliss seed toes. Phone 379J. Jim Di-III Di-III mil I H garden hose at Ed. Johns' John-s' Tire Service. 43 East 2nd h. Phone 131. a30 S Monarch coal range, with r jacket, new gTates. 160 st South. Phone 536-W. a27 J FOR RENT II partly furnished madern equiped utility room. Adults 343 East 2nd No. Phone V. A-27 0 average under-water en-e en-e of pearl divers is from !0 seconds. HOUSE WIRING, appliance repair re-pair and installation. Phone 676-W. White Electric Service. 62 E. 3rd So. FIRESTONE TIRES & TUBES ROADSIDE service for tire repairs. re-pairs. Complete farm tire service. serv-ice. Phone 177. LAWN MOWER REPAIR Factory method sharpening Power and hand lawn mowers. Parts and repair. Work guaranteed. guar-anteed. L. H. (Bud) Bate. Phone 536W. 160 West 1st So. Springville. a27 MOTOR REBUILDING MOTOR rebuilding by skilled mechanics from complete line of motor parts. Koepsel '& Love. Phono 122. PIANO TUNING EXPERT tuning. Reasonble rates. Phone 687-R. Golden Hansen, 53 Brookside Drive. F-3-ca REYNOLDS GLASS & PAINT CO. Sherwin Williams Enameloid Semi-Luster S. W. P. Outside Paint Pabco Enamel (Outside Paint) Venetian Blinds Window Shades v Telephone 144 ROOFING ATTENTION CALL NEBEKER For Free Estimate on Roofing, Roof-ing, Siding and Insulation. Only Johns-Manville Quality Products Used. Springville 358-J BOOKS BEST sellers, L. D. S. publications youth and children's books. Art City Publishing Co., 161 South Main. ' ' fr. THAT 6UA0pENEO GRANDPA u,A n oU0'FA5HI0NE0 FUVOr THE TASTE HoUpAYS ? W'T THE G000 OUP YOU UtfANT IMPERIAL r ygJ Imperial is made by Hiram Walker. Blended whiskey. 86 proof. .70 grain neutral spirits. Hiram Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, Illinois. ' |