Show and receipts carefully compounded at smoot drag co f an immense drees goods bale at S S jones gos old stand t deputy marshal fowler tools the ane son eirl to the reform school this morning candy at the best in town at the provo cita bakery KINDLING WOOD sale at provo oita lumber co delivered Deliva red to adv part of tha city telephone 31 or P 0 box STOP at G D glaziers for otovea ransel hollowware and t THE provo roller mills continue ain porting wheat from cache valley and bern idaho two carloads have been received within the lait few days end at ain prices at carl Oater loha HOLD on to your mono tight until von reach S S jonea co a old stand then abend it freely while the big cloak aale ia going on t FOR three or four weeks past an adv headed france clairvoyant has appeared in these columns THE ENQUIRER readers are warned against ine party therein named madame jubber evidently the advertiser and abent who sent in the adv are frauds WILLIAM the old reliable carpet weaver is always prepared to make first clasi garnets at prices 0 o suit the times all binds of pay taken residence corner of E and 11 ir you want a good meal or a good bed go lo 10 mrs snyders opposite the opera house Ranch mens patronage especially solicited bates per day 1 or 5 per week A of students from the B Y academy go to leni this evening where they join a party from salt lake city where they take a special car and proceed to vernon to help celebrate the forty second b ehdy of mrs B J C sharp of that place tomorrow eve nine SOME time ago mr simon goldbaum of san luis hey cal was troubled with a lame back and rheumatism he used chamberlains pain balm and a prompt cure was effected he aada he has since advised many of hia friends to try it and all who have done 0 o have choken highly of it it ia tor aado by smoot drug co I 1 COUNCILOR abram halladay was not at the session of the council last evening because at home bis children were celebrating with him and his wife councilor golden wedding A few friends were also present among them councilor ard and wite the children presented councilor halladay with a pair of gold rimmed spectacles and mrs halladay with a gold breast pin the home of v D roberts came near being wrecked this morning by an explosion of a steel range the force of the explosion waa stove was blown to splinters the windows in the hor e were nearly all broken a hole was made in the roof and another in the libor just beneath where the stove had stood the hired girl misa mary was injured by the explosion and when found was in the hall leading from the kitchen in an unconscious condition her face was badly blackened and ut first it was ehe bad lost her eyes dr richards was called in and after a brief examination stated her eyes were all right but she was quite badly cut and bruised the exact ex I 1 tent of her injuries could not be learned the cause of the explosion is not known but ip believed to b due to a defective escape valve fortunately noone was in the kitchen when the explosion occurred except misa OO onder j who was near the stove had it been been otherwise chev would probably have been seriously hurt by te ali ne pieces of iron which havoc with the window and door frames |