Show CITY steps ifor improved sidewalks the provo chunoi met laade evening in special session 0 D glozier waa elected president pro tern halladay ward and were also absent AND principal B cluff jr invited the council to visit tho briehan young academy on motion of simmons it was ac cepter and placed on file the county clerk communicated the information that the amount adny for assessing and collecting collect ine the city had not been paid the county on motion of keeler the amount waa appropriated B cluff jr et al represented that the sidewalks on J and K north of seventh in bad condition in wet weather and are now used by hundreds of st udena the matter was on motion of keeler referred ta tho judiciary committee with the attorney added with instruct tion to report a bill at the next session to set apart a district for improved sidewalks keelor in speaking to hia moton of rel erenee quoted the territorial statute showing the municipal authority in the matter he thought now waa a good time to make sidewalk improvements knudesen held similar views but wanted the chairman of the committee on added failed the committee on irrigation becom mended four abatements in water taxes of widows miscellaneous D P felt made a statement in relation to property ot pearl ewing cold for troea fid asked for remittance of taxes referred to committee on finance keeler moved that a contingent fand be appropriated and placed in the hands of the mayor pd recorder mcewan opposed the motion it was not enough the mayor told the council the amount to fulfill the cites contract with aba county in meeting the expenses of the comity am time to tima the amount waa appropriated in relation to the street ordered by the council to be opened in the third ward glacier wanted to 1 now for information if abo city could go outside of taxing limits to open streets mcewan believed that the opening of that eireen would bring them taxing limits the following claims were allowed J W eesley suit filed 8 CO provo hardware co catchot hat chot 75 glozier called attention to the poll tax question provo could he believed apply the poll tax on its streets the matter we allowed to rest for a week council adjourned for a week |