Show NOTICE J bava in my possession fihs ihs fol lowing described impounded aa cs or trespass one black mare about 4 or 5 years old i branded on one bay mare about 9 aars old white spot in forehead branded D on shoulder adne bay mare 10 or 11 beira old walte spot in forehead chifa on iad of rosf hind feet while a intile white on lop visible vist ble if damaras and rath on said be not paid within 10 davs from the date of this notice they will be sold to the bid best chih bidder at the provo pound at 2 u m on tha alt day of jan 1895 dated at brovo ulah county Terl tory ot utah this dav f january 1885 U LOVELESS round keeper of aard city NOTICE I 1 have in my possession the following fol lowine describe animal impounded as or tor one black roam colt aint 6 or 8 months old bunds visia e II 11 damage and cots on said animal be not aid 10 idys hiim date if ahlo notice it alc ba sold to the cash bray B ray on daled al arft luct ulah county ter utah tuta 23 d addy fit ran JAMES HANKS for said NOTICE I 1 jay th following des animals impounded as or fur tr aoe brawn ezor 3 years old brand on leli f altee a horte chot or letter U upside down noire ehlt spot in while hetio fee shout 10 yeara old branded D on one chiy lor ea or r icara alil right hip bu ackert bov 11 braided PS on leli thigh cots on bald animals be i t pa d from the date of this lh v will be sold to the cash ha ali ir ivo cov fouad at two oil the etli oay cb dated at arvo anih county rr of utah athla ly of tan 1895 errald caty |