Show A DASHING COUNTESS she juippi her bior ie over a dining A late sensation in paris was alie result of a novel bet made between two leading lights of the fashionable jockey club n that city it came about in this way during a dinner given in honor of alie winner of the grand autumn races alie guests began to tell stories of fine horsemanship an elderly officer present said that he the young men of the generation did not ride so well as they did in the good old days this led to an animated dispute which ended by max lebauda offering to bet that he knew a lady rider eliat could do anything with a horse that any man of this or any other generation had done the old officer accepted the bet stipulating eliat the lady should ride her horse into the banquet hall and take a flying leap over the table without disturbing or touching alie wine bottles flowers or anything else on alie table nobody dreamed that the bet would be accepted it was done however and next evening alien alie same party was gathered around alie festive board alie event took aliee the world famous crucs amilla imilla von Wahlburg mounted oil glicr favorite full blooded arabian horse and attired in the regular riding habit suddenly appeared in alie door of the dining room with a cheery good evening gentlemen she gave alie spur to her animal and before the thoroughly surprised and amazed diu ars had time to collect their thoughts she had been carried over alie table in alie most graceful and approved fashion by her spirited horse not even the filled wine glasses were jarred and abax won hiis bet and the crowd did homage to and toasted the dashing equestrienne |