Show DAILY JANUARY 99 1895 JOHN 0 manager taa number ia 27 I bocal mention m ania 30 cents pr line each insertion advertisements and ch rises mast be santto office not later than 10 a ro to secure inser on same day awarded highest honors fair MOST PERFECT MADE A pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS TH STANDARD in olden times people overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action ant now that it is known that syrup of will permanently cure habitual constipation well informed people will not buy othar act for a time but finally injure abe system dr prices cream baking powder worlds fair highest award bat lards stoia mrs liia aada I 1 feua BO bad I 1 could not raide 10 Y hand to my linail abitua lg snow 1 has y cured me I 1 in iDlor ming my and frienda what it has dons fr ue chaa handley clerk fo lay tayman kewanee Ko wanee ills ad ag banow liniment cured him of rheumatism why not try iff it will aurely do you it cures all inflammation wounds etc sold oy smoot drue co 4 the U S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to all others for cilc the entire stock of the late wm ha ribon tinsmith will be sold in aulk or job lota at a great bida will be received lor the next 30 days address W 0 II arrison fork or provo city box 5 lm W C poor indeed the prospect of relief from drastic cathartics for persons troubled with con is poor indeed true they act upon the boat ls but this they do with violence and their operation to weaken the intestines and is cial to the stomach Hoa letters stomach bitters is an effectual laxative but it neither gripes not enfeebles furthermore it promotes and areen lar acton of the liver and the kidney it is an efficient barrier against and remedy for malarial complaints and rheumatism and is of areat benefit tj the weak nervous and aged AB a medicinal stimulant it cannot be surpassed physicians cordially recommend it and its professional in dor ia fully boine out bv popular experience appetite and bleed bleep are I 1 th improved by this agreeable and alterative years MRS has been need for over fifty years by millions of mothers for luicir children while teething with perfect success it soothes the child softens the ruins allays all pain anres wind colic best remedy for it mill relieve the poor little ira mediately sold by in every part ol 01 the world twenty five cent a bottle be sure and ask for mrs Win boething Boo thing syrup and take no other kind money to jlouis on bood farm property at 12 per cent pe annum on sums of three hundred colars and upward am jos the worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in leav ss abo royal A quaint at race trades persons desiring to bet on the result frequently manage to touch tue hump of a hunchback believing eliat aliis will briar luck according to the beliefs of ancient arabians and germans hunchbacks hunch backs were the pets of fairies the latter frequently removed or increased the humps and hunchbacks hunch backs who biad thus been treated by the fairies were bup posed to possess some mystic power they were supposed to bring good luck and this be imparted to persons who came the humps h f rit 7 1 T 0 iroff COUGHS COLDS MD CROUP grandmothers ADVICE nine ch BIT only fuss ody tor odds wad croup waa onion amp it 1 art effective to daj it WM forty yami co my afe dr gannt syrup white i pramod ajl daoro to tatt bold bani 63 aau ste for it eckl M koab sold by pyna mcben tie human electrical forces how they control the organs of the body the electrical force of the human body na the nervo fluid may be termed la an especially attractive department ot science as it exerts so marked an influence on the health ot the organs of the body nerve force ia produced by the brain aad conveyed by beana of the nerves to the various organs of ine body thus supplying the latter with the vitality to insure their health abo berve as shown hero may be said to be me moat important ot the entire nerve system as it supplies the heart lungs stomach bowels etc with the nerve dorco necessary to keep them active and healthy As will bo been by the cuttio long nerve descending from the base of the brain and terminating in the bowels la the while the numerous little branches cupply the heart lungs and stomach with necessary vitality when the brain becomes in any way disordered by irritability or exhaustion the nerve tore which it supplies la lessened and tho organs the diminished mini shed supply are consequently weakened physicians generally fall to recognize the importance ot this tact but treat the organ instead ot the cause of the trouble the noted specialist franklin miles M D LL B riven the greater part ot his lito to the study ot this and the principal discoveries concerning it are due bohls dr miles restorative the unrivaled brain and nerve food la prepared on the principle that all nervous and many other difficulties originate from disorders of the its wonderful success these la to by thousands in very part of the land nervina cures sleeplessness nervous prostration hysteria sexual debility st dance epilepsy etc it la free from opiates or dangerous drugs it Is sold on a positive guarantee by all drus casts or sent direct by the dr miles medical co elkhart ind on receipt of price sl bottle alx bottles for 5 express prepaid pre paid pc sold by all Drug ista but both men and women talk about our from come while they last 5 m I 1 r ila and JOSES atklin Ihn ter A U SMOOT prop successor to provo millica co manufacturers and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND FEED wheat on deposit custom grinding a specialty cash paid for chett mill opposite union pacific depot D it BEEBE DELIVERY AND CORN SHELLER aalia THE SENATE keeps constantly on hand beef MOB H N hpe aadil FAT CALVES AND DRESSED HOGS WANTED free delivery to any part of the city centre st pro third door east of cosmopolitan 9 the lucky numbers drawn are as follows ast 1st prize no 94 and 2nd prize no 15 ard 3rd prize ath prize if the above numbers are not in by january 15 95 the following will take the prizes 86 1404 OF nothing carried over all must go to make room for our spring stock AT AN A N you you yes we mean you and everybody take advantage of this sabe sv m gt Tg afe y is i y s e i cala stoy 1 sat ur entire stock 0 AT COST it will pay you to buy for next sorin |