Show M J J KNIGHT LAWYERS booms 13 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH bank building PROVO SAMUEL A KING rooms 5 and 7 bank baldine PROVO CITY UTAH J W N AT LAW cuoma 11 anil 1 goal and bank PROVO CITY UTAH JOHN ATTO itne YS AT LA W up bairn Bt irn PROVO 01 ry UTAH J F M D physician and surgeon excelsior Excel block over pyne dru yttre nuovo UTA n E E attorney at law dooin 9 bank Buil din PROVO UTAH D T U AT LAW rooms 4 and 5 aeed smoot block PROVO UTAH S K KING attorney at law rooms I 1 2 3 aad 4 martins kan PROVO CITY UTAH J E AT law AN LAND OFFICE 23 N J prove city W B CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and power plans special city surveyor of provi deputy U S mineral office at court house UTAH AT LIW collection agency office bank blinding PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON rooms 4 and 5 reed smoot block PRO VO CITY UTAH R G archived and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO office honra 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A fain MJ PHYSICIAN 0 o mon offida block residence 2 blocks east hauk corner residence telephone no 45 office no 28 PROVO UTAH SAM JEP latape I 1 sign painter UTAH coraor F and ath street PATENTS avents ana at diun secured trade stark itier caff s in the S ont office aa beford iho ert J care tally apon or ut in balloni OAl lonI make cs iff ire charac ellb apy esron front ahr patent beine in por noimi there it Is apparent that I 1 haac supe rui U for preliminary ani ol 01 for pa lent and ler to all busio esa to my barc in the time to patent aal ayl n on request Dest J B LITTELL y ithol and attorney in patent causes Was hinston D 0 opposite V S patent offida i y aiji s J D JONES attorney at la P in tharman boffice fice bank building CITY UTAH OR W gates block provo oily utah analesa ai alesa dentistry a specialty by the celebrated method no gay arher or EB penally adapted to persons heart disease or lunk trouble 11 warranted a H ALLEN Pin sirun uron K y W railway office at Res Meace smoot brisk house 1 block baat of tabernacle UTAH F H SIMMONS physician and Stir yeon offic old affire backford Bc kford xi fl lor blau t ko auit 1 t nd 0 UTAH i K KS csolti OLtI E L R knowlden jones viro life P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH F P REED Deni save all modern instruments lor the practice of operative ana prosthetic artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A crali vs abom excelsior alock provo PROVO CITY UTAH coital Ot RECTORS reed smoot prest D T clarac vice prest john jones A bean farrer E R Ell ellrene L anilla J R general balkina ban kina business transacted 5 per cent interest on savings depos ts conr times a year AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL SEWING tuning and repairing Je pairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros store ANDREW SWARD st louis dobs democrat EIGHT PAGES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY PAGES EVERY WEEK belond all comparison the bigmeat big zeat best and brightest newa and family journal in america PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will be bent FIFTEEN FOR ONE dolful to adv readar of this paper noi now a subscriber to chis BLANK BE escure beneat efthia extraordinary offer A a ri it it IB worth three months free subscription fill in your name leill II 11 aill fost office and diate and mail mth ONE DOLLAR bank aut ah tt pot orece or express money order or registered letter TO GLOBE PRINTING CO st louis MO sample capien of THE gload will be benac frei on application ercse to GLOBE CO st louig mo find P 00 for which sand to given below ank twice every week for FIFTEEN as per your special afler to readers of THE ENQUIRER published abc provo city utah name of Bubs cribar post office state B sure to use this blank it 19 worth three months free subscription pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN ITS TWENTY SECOND YEAR only daily paper south of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly semi weekly edition has a larger circulation throughout all the counties first judicial district than all other 1 per coin binca the is alie oran of utah republicanism protection and the encouragement of home industries for terms of subscription see top of arst column on second page 3 mgr fame when founded on merit never ceases to grow both in extent and in solidity porous plaster is more popular today to day than ever before because it does what is claimed for it relieves and cures pains in the side chest or limbs lame back rheumatism etc in lit upon the allcock S no other plaster is nearly so good All cocks corn shields All cocks aunon shields have no equal as a relief and cure for cerus and ludlon Lu ulon Brand reths pills one or two at night for a week or two tone up the system THE blacksmithing Blacksmith inK and waon repairing done on the shortest notice HOUSE SHOEING A first class work at living prices 3 street 1 blocks north let national bank city DAVID MELDRUM IF YOU AKE 0 a 0 KANSAS CITY m ST bours or any point east and to benov a daylight ride through the grandest feenery of the rouby monn bains be enre to ask for a ticket that reads via the cr no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest bonte jg ednaa aiu li to the great rivers and atlantic ee aboard elegant and thoroughly modern equipment and reclining chair cars in which the peats are free to holders of regular train tickets call on or address S V DERRAH commercial freight pass abt koom 21 morlan block salt lake general st louia mo NEW SERVICE TAKE R G W ry evening train leaving provo S no p m connecting daily with ani train no 2 at denver lor kansas city st L uis and chicago T ronah pullman sleepers free reclining chair cars dining cars A la carte secure lisbets lic bets at RG W by office R F W F mcmillan arit abt gestri alseat room 11 over no 10 W second south st salt lake city utah caveats all pit I 1 en busi ess conducted for MODERATE i oua 13 U S PATENT orfice itna we can lecure paten in v i 7 boodel dum me or photos ph alioa we it or biot free of ahra ch ra our lec not flae till potentia patentia pat secured i A PAMPHLET how with 2 cost of same in the US and foreign countries 5 sent free ac csc OPP PATENT CICE C tev www w ww tv when baby was sick we eave her castoria when she was a child the cried for castoria when she became miss she clung to castoria aliea eha had Chil ilin she gave them castoria dr miles nervo plasters for when you viall sail lake city call at he agency of he r roto woolen mills no 86 main street and order a suit of biome ade clothes wear belter and arc much cheaper in he ion run than eastern goods also see their stock of shawls blankets yarns socks and stockings and all hobe baade unprecedented in the history of journalism the publishers or the ENQUIRER have made a with the pub ubera oft haNew yora MORNING advertiser and SUNDAY advertiser whereby they can the semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY and both ol 01 the above papers to a number of subscribers for on year for etc most liberal offer ol 01 the ae his berain A bright and ten pee illy con all th news and al tta tures or interest In t every member of the house h ld special and re ports ane page in the land an absolutely clean and wholesome home newspaper ans from to forty pages of bright articles and lit high class metropolitan ro bunday caper think over the proposition and send in your at once remembert REMEMBER 1 this offer will shortly ba withdrawn the reanear price of the morning and sunday advertiser for one year ia by this offer for virtually sample copies of tha advertiser caa be seen at the office DIAMOND AT pyne A maiben s drug store j 0 prioress LOOK OUT FOR big stock of holiday goods hides to all sights without eatn charaire cha rire WE HAVE THE LAREST AM B C I 1 1 aile territory TERRi rORY justices of the fence ad all eibers arins blanks will final it to their advantage advant ago tu order us fud of school supplies 8 well as ketai buyers will tin bes attention COM P i E TE cs s A y ff BS s g W IN THAT UK E our prices are hii prompt attention given to abail orders PROVO BOOK AND stationery CO jr AH manger soro A I manufacturers of and dealers m IF YOU WANT information ABOUT A LETTER OR TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn WEDDER BURM managing attorney P 0 box washington D C honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days or over in the late war are entitled if now wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor whether disability was caused by service or not and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances of such soldiers and sailors are entitled if not remarried death was due to army service or not if now dependent upon their own labor for support widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldiers death to service CHILDREN are entitled if under sixteen years in almost all cases where there waa no widow or she has since died or remarried PARENTS PA RENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child provided soldier died an fn bervice or from of service and they arc now dependent upon their own labor for sip port it makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy soldiers of the lat ewar pensioned und crne law may apply for higher rates under laws losing any ris lita thousands of soldiers drazine from 2 to 10 per month under the old law arc entitled to alsher rates under new law not only on account of disabilities for which cow pensioned but also for others whether doe to service or not soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or cavy since the war ere also entitled whether discharged for disability or not survivors and their widows of the blacic creek Cho and Semla olo or in nor i n da indian of to are entitled under a recent act mexican itar soldiers and their widows alo entitled il sixty two years of age or disabled or dependent old claims completed and settlement obtained whether pension has been granted later laws or not rejected claims reopened and settlement secured if rejection improper or illegal certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who have lost their original papers send for laws and information no charge for advice no fee unless successful abdrea Ad drea THE PRESS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney washington D G |