Show gity and county cottings jottings Jot tings PURS and reliable drua at smoot drug co MINK owners can get exemption blanks correct forms from skelton co provo file one on each blaime tf AN immense sale of remnants at 8 S jones co a old stand t and printed kept in stock at office 1 putnam and company will appear in her latest dramatic production on thursday night feb KINDLING WOOD for sale at provo city lumber co delivered to any pait of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box boya and shoes at carl oater lohs FRUIT growers and bee keepers can pet their supplies at the lowest prices at geo W mill Provo city AT 0 D glaziers you can find a co molete line of bucks stoves in the I 1 line of heaters parlor etc KINDLING wood cheap at smoot Sp affords coal yard EARLIEST fruit and vegetables at boagard Sax eye opposite post office ROAD supervisors reports at skelton A co s t A NEW chinaware department has baen introduced at 8 8 jonea gos old stand t GILL glaziers Gia and examine tho fine line of auca new deteel ranges which are daia iea licensee have been issued to larsen and mary E fere addy both f spanish fork and to joseph page and eva thorne bota 0 grove PROVO chop house is the place exactly to get a good square meal open daiy diy and bight basement of excelsior block center street win MENS and boys shoes cheap at carl Oater loha IN spending earnings these bard call at beanard and cot the fall worth of your money FAMILY washing 5 cents per pound at the troy steam laundry of paint 1 paint paint ready mixed paints at warda sons 1 per gallon can CALL at 0 D glaziers for scopes felloes rims tongues hardwood jones was brought in from clear creek last evening to answer to a charge of selling liquor without a li he waa a before justice damoisy and pleaded not guilty he will ue tried feb DaAL Krs in build ng material and cat ive money by t enang biair orea or aill bov s to geo mickela Miu kela P ovo utan t READY made suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO IT hakea to appreciate the bir eains at S y joness old egand everything below cost and the biggest kind of bargains at carl qatar loha FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly ty the popular grocers boshard THE committee of the forthcoming ball to ba held on the night of feb 14 will meet at the oceia opeia house tonight at 7 dress goods and cash sets upwards at S S jones gos old stand t ALL kinds of produce wanted in ex chanze for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO A co are making three to five years farm loans interest 10 percent call on or write them at I 1 provo t KINDLING WOOD for sale at provo city lumber co delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box 27 THE election cairs havo been set down for a aument in the supreme court tomorrow although it is quite probable that an evening session will haye to be held in order to here the arguments gu ments cough remedy is fam aaa for its cures of bad colds jc the secretions relieves the innas and aids nature in re the system to a healthy condition if freela ased as soon as the cold has been contracted and before it has become settled in the it greatly lessens the Ee verity of the attack and has olten cured in a single apy what have open a severe cold for sale by smoot drug co DEPUTY marshal berry is i emery county and marshal henry is on 1 way to uintah county boch are summoning jurors and witnesses for the next term ol 01 court at JUDGE king came down to set cases evening pad found one case had been set for tha day in which he was interested it waa a birth case wherein he and mrs kug award ed a bouncing biby girl the interest ing event took place in the afternoon aid ho judge knew nothing of the ac cession to his family until he received the congratulations 0 fiendt at the provo depot 1 I am glad it is a girl remarked abo judge for we named lier a month ago |