Show JANUARY john E booth president john decrv smith vice JO graham 0 P W D robinson A Si oton oscar walkine Wil kine AND MII graham loon 0 graham manader Mana eer at the Poat office at prova ab second blabs matter I 1 TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL POSTAGE daily edition one benr in advance parta of a ye arper mon thin advance 80 semi year in advance TO daily delivered sunday SO cents per month in advance or 25 canta a week address THE go provo city utah delivery is irregular gleaso chako cora plaint at tha officio or no 27 mis PAPER ur acenoy As enoy 64 and 65 ex ajie bj ie ban oal where can be made tor it has a circulation bat every week exceeds that of all other newspapers in central and southern Son thern utah combined in utah county it asa a circulation that exceeds that of all the other territorial jadw combined OF local interest do yon acet up times during the bialt do il is very annoying and esthe irritated condi tiou of the bladder if you will huv a trial size of oregon kidney tea which costs 25 ceals it will cure von and iring peaceful eluther and rest without which you cannot enjoy tood health for sale A 15 horse horizontal enne and nu rih nc boiler new cn re pur together or sepa belv bv applying to P 0 box 36 provo acty children cry for pitchers castoria for infants and ERB do you know paregoric batemann batemans Bat emans drops godfreyh godfreys God freys cordial many so called soothing syrups and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine T po yea know that opium and morphine ire stupefying narcotic poisons T an yon ickow that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons T do yon know that you should not permit any medicine to bo given your child unless you or your physician know of what it ia composed T do yon know that castoria la a purely vegetable preparation and that a list ot its ingredients is published with every bottle t po ston know that castoria is the prescription of the famous dr samuel pitcher that it has been ia use for nearly thirty years and that more castoria ia now BOI than 0 all other remedies for children combined 1 po yon know that the patent office department of the united states and of other countries have issued exclusive right to dr pitcher and bis assigns to uso the word M castoria and its formula and that to imitate them la a state prison offense po sow know that one of the reasons tor granting this government protection was because castoria had been proven to be absolutely do yon kenw that 35 average doses of castoria are furnished for 35 cents or one cent a dose po yon know that when possessed of this perfect preparation your children may be well and that you may have unbroken rest well those things are worth knowing aliey are lacta tacta the facsimile fac simile ta on every signature of wrapper children cry for Castoe laa ONE FOR A DOSE t for plu the act vet t it re eclar they anro headache tha steea setd clear the completion better thra a cos nalba mildly do to convince TOT ol 01 their conf T clu iball amples fre or a riia box for sold Ites aaa bod co sold by pyne maihen giesy in OF M Busias ss DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT president Pre W R PICK JOHN 0 GRAHAM GEO GEO Q CANNON S S josea E F D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards tombstones bruers SOLICITED TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction guaranteed first door east of coop co op store estimates and designs furnished upon application zions savings bank and trust company salt lake iby utah paya five per cent interest per annum on any deposits you make write for particulars WOODRUFF GEO M CANNON breet cashier AND agricultural mm WILL SELL YOUR FRUITS BERRIES vegetables POTATOES HONEY GAME STOCK HORSES SHEEP HAY AND GRAIN it will pay yon to call at their office comer ath and J streets Pro on any of the for any information desired ko Hemen to take a larre prost if wo aall for yon F H bover evan provo beof clinger lake view D M amith pleasant broye john amiller spanish fork george D snell spanish fork W H kelsey pres thoa leonard aice pres F J covert provo secy J E booth treba esy successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and G flooring fellia r ao cl lumber sauced and dressed to order scroll sawing and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and ard opposite R E depot P anam P 0 box 79 telephone no 20 f JL riu vu 11 JL I 1 5 bg Masa assa delivered to adv part of the city rock springs lump castle gare lump pleasant valley lamp winter quarters lump rock nut castle aute oute N ufa anthracite alco YARD 17 agents SAVINGS BANK maia st sail lake city open saturday from 7 to 8 5 per cent interest paid on de posits of or more and compounded four times a year UTAH INSURANCE ca capital full paid J E DOOLY president W 8 me vice president A L THOMAS secretary and cashier yon can get the finest and most durable claths cloths made at home as you can get the best tailoring bone call and see if what I 1 eav is not true S PETERSON tailor one door south of deseret telegraph office J street meat market reopened re opened in hard opposite post office choicest cleats in season send in your orders delivery prompt conr old patrons are invited to denew acquaintance best of treatment guarantee guaranteed d BROS J B mgr MINERS outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND POU I 1 all kinds of miners supplies giant powder caps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box aalt LAKE CITY CAW I 1 A PATENT fop a prompt answer wad nn honest opinion write to M UN N CO who have had nearly efty yeara experience in the patent business tlona confidential A handbook ot information and bow to ol 01 maln them bent free also a catalogue ot and scientific cooka gent free taken mann co receive biedal notice in the and atins are brought widely before the public without coat to the inventor this paper lanca weekly elegantly has byar the larest circulation 0 any work in tho world sa a year bampie coplea cent free edition monthly 20 a lear binelo copies SS cents arery number contain beautiful plates in colors and of bonges with plana enabling ballder to ebow tho uneit and kenure contracts acta addler CO THE mm RIO GRINDE railroad scenic line of the world the only line two 1 through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER EFFECTIVE 29 1894 train no 2 leaves 9 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado springs a m denver 1030 a m crappse creede a m train no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at pueblo p m colorado Cold rado bolings borings p m denver p m connections made at sarins and denver with all lines east elegant day coaches chair care and sleepers Slee pars on all trains take the D ft H G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent shortest line to Cr ripple greek colo rados great gold camp train no 2 provo at am arrives at cripple creek next morn ine A b H S K HOOPER traffic canaper Ma naper G P T A denver colo denver colo B general agent salt laface city att HM GUSHING trav abet WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE the only lice which runs pullman palace sleeping cara between ogden salt lake city and chicago without change and pullman palace reclining abair cars between salt city denver aud chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if PO ba sure and secure tickets reading over the SANTA FE J grandest and greatest SF Leae railroad on earth ogden bait lake city prove or on the to aeu tho moat beautiful scenery in america evening train in orde train leaves rio geande western depot provo at p m KT 0 general abent department BALT LAKE CITY UTAH sf REMEMBER PLYMOUTH ROCK PRICES PANTS TO ORDER TO 1075 SUITS TO ORDER sa s1 TO OVERCOATS TO ORDER TO oot over three hundred and fifty patterns to select from latest spring styles now in domestic english scotch and french goods full dress suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 i S P i bioti 41 west so street salt lake ity utah THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine american THE was the fait home paper to introduce thi popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER aud THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re biding re in the states who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of HOO i fr V 1 for only we will mail to subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year V an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine already become a home necessity among the ladies of utah f all old soldier annon in the late war I 1 was a soldier in the first maryland volunteers company G daring caa term ol 01 service I 1 contracted chronic diarrhoea since then I 1 have aed a great amount of medicine but when I 1 found any that would give me relief it would injure mv stomach unlit bolic cholera and diarrhoea remedy was brought to my notice I 1 aeed it and will say it 14 the only remedy that civo me permanent perm nent relief and no had esulto es ulta lehow I 1 take in recommend me this prep irai noal tio of my oid comrades who while gijiu services to their country thib dreadful as I 1 did from catig unwholesome and uncooked fooie yours druly A E BEADING ha sev oregon for sale by smoot drag co ml sel dr allea coin the regular annual meeting of tbt ders of the gus ima tian company will oe held in anh city ma office at atie court bouse oa monday 4 1895 at tto pm for the of such aa he n ce cebary oary JAMES W IEN secretary ivila buy imported meats and lard when the homo ciurej ia ch chaar ajr and I 1 etter MY PRICKS haag lie pa breakfast bacon lie dry salt bacon ar drad beef alc laj naf ati baila paila all ahll GO naila HIO 21 it paile 50 V paile bp eckart center st t no 39 lit jansens call ind bee the fing alock of odera glastus gla saus jewelry dilver aie optical goods etc of which jensen h B the canety and beat kind call and examine conr stock get our pieces anich are the lowert the fina t bargaila barga ioa tr the trade juliaa provo basw do von are von a shipper the rand railway and hand BOOK all pertinent information ask your news dealer dr miles pain ellla one cent a daae |