Show rs dropped oe cial to washington jan 29 A decision of reynolds Key of the J practically practical lv onri pensioners pension ors from the r lla or rainier rai lier it would drop them if was nt n lo 10 prevent 1 lu rill atie pens a bawd previous to abe nat of although it never was formally enrolled as a part of the U b anav haq been aa a part of the army which it actually was BO far ai the of duty was POD berned in tua grant ng of mentions to those who therein and about of them have been drawing tensions oen under the act of 1800 but mr d aides that fiby cp no longer do BO because hey are not benl boned in the act A joint resolution was promptly introduced aej uati is ahse pensioners jension ers aider the act of eo ae to save these veterans annoyance from pe det iun of mr c annier benedict has been a ian 0 i an cf his dia charge of union veterans without cauce n io of law id CB the call Is nade bv the U S senate it va have to be answered A bil has also been i wi iu the seabie Sea aie oy senator quay to the office of bublic printer aai elace a con bignal printer the work of the government priming office |