Show A soend n well are you billioux Billi oua constipated or troubled with jaundice sick headache 1 ad laate in the month foul breath coated tongue ayi dai sia indigestion hot dry skin pain in the back and between the shoulders chills and ft vernc if you have any of these symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood is eflowly being poisoned because your liver coee not at properly will cure and disorder of the liver So mache or bowels it has no equal RB a biyer medicine price 75 cents freo trial botti at drug co dr prices cream baking bowd s worlds pair chest medal and diploma children cry for pitchers castoria highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report 0 y both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAN FRANCISCO cu XV HEW MV i ji in connection with our general hook and stationery business we have made arrangements range ments to take up any old book used in the public schools or B Y A and give new ones instead for a slight in the price bring conr books before the close of the school year ROBT SKELTON mgr w iw IVY l loyf argest Ii assortment afeld lowest prices soro anra prompt tt 1 curs for lass of manhood seminal emissions nervousness self distrust loss of memory sc wll make you a STRONG vigorous man 0 boxes fa 00 special directions malesis with each box address ca Luo Av at LOUIS MO STO 6 n IF CENTRE STREET keeps constantly on hand nil kinds of Py A aca ca yi e itaw iT tw U pals br culive PHIL PROP P P HINDMARSH THE LEADING GROCERY LIST OF PRICES no 2 western 4 10 all kinds of ai alt nh n h buo 1 I 1 ui y i nittel 5 celery s or iiii ba sweet apple ag a g 1 I sweet pickles aej si nil s oi o I ni d 1 tuna pina 1 SO guaranteed or ilant v r me nin to suar 20 lbs 1 00 large 1 1 0 utah sugar per s ck pails and au tree tea three papers 50 canned tomatoes per can 10 coffee per packet 25 beans 10 raisins five pounds 25 canned corn 10 cheece per pound 15 salt fernne per keg 1 10 java bouee per pound from 15 to 40 one gallon oil jans 50 canned salmon good per caa 10 tin oil cans 25 mustard Bari linea per can 10 coal per five gallon loose 76 oil sardines four cane 25 best oil per cage nickel 30 buo bakers per li undred 1 25 ta graham per hundred grade 1 30 7 0 corn meal patent C bran CO shorts SO keep thin list and send in your MAIL ORDERS afree DP LI VERY to adv pirt of tho city telephone 29 P P centre at provo CITY LUMBER 00 W J ROSS manager WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN NO 1 RED CEDAR SHINGLES LUMBER LATH SASH and DOORS PLASTER LIME HAIR AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL square dealings our motto exsa ta os EP ajie wood for sale all orders delivered by team toa spanish fork and lake shore when required telephone no 31 P 0 box provo city dealers in all kinds of LUMBER SHINGLES LATH PLASTER HAIR GLASS PAINT SOILS and combination FENCE ALSO MANUFACTURE KS OF y cornice PORCH WORK LUMBER YARD corner ath and J st lansng MILL corner ard and H st no 32 03 are positively going out of the clothing business and will sacrifice their A grand clearance sale MONDAY NOVEMBER and continuing from day to day until sold out we mean what we say and you will have ane opportunity of buying these are only a few quotations hut everything goes mens suits for mens 1100 overcoats for mens 9 00 suits for mens 1300 overcoats for mens 1000 suits for boys suits for mens 1150 suits for boys suits for mens overcoats boys suits sor boys overcoats at prices just as low dont miss it you cant afford to the above prices are strictly for cash 00 eua a 03 acy t yovo ire for riches or the dread of poverty J we boote H the following Follow inq prices 5 ib sack whole wheat per ib sack baker s no 1 per ib sack COOP CO OP altti f i ecru gc ru i sy s s ai akk s w ay iy f v i i i fa aar f lf atnif C A t wy tr r Jf li S t ballard horehound Kore hound syrup we guarantee this to be the beet chueh manufactured in the whole wile world this id baying a great deal but U is true for consumption coughs colds gore throat sore chest pneumonia bronchitis whooping cough and all diseases of throat and luna we positively guar antea ballards Ho rebound syrup to be without an equal on the whole face of the globe in support of this statement we refer to every individual who has ever asad it and 10 every druggist who his ever sold it such evidence is ic bold by smoot aroa co 4 dr prices cream baking powder gold medal midwinter fair sn A sure cure for piles itching riles are known by moisture like intense itching when warm this form as well as blind bleeding or protruding yield at once to dr pile remedy which acts directly on parts affected absorbs tumors allays itching ani a permanent cure cio acta druggists or mail circulars free dr bosanko philadelphia PI sold by pyne maiben |