Show THE DOMINICAL LETTER learned fore on the of cycles abstrusely set forth take down your 1894 almanac and after wading through eclipse tables rules for finding alie greatest elongation of polaris table of ember days etc you will find a double column of four lines each entitled chronological cycles says an exchange the first thing in that table is this 1 I dominical or sunday letter G that tells you very little to be sure but it is really something valuable in the way of keeping track of chronology pro viding you know how to use it finding the dominical letter will enable one to tell what day of the week any given date in the year is and further alic dominical letter being known for any one year can be found for any other by simply remembering that an ordinary year has fifty two weeks and one day a leap year fifty two weeks and two days the rule is that the letter which falls against the first sunday in january falls against every sunday in that year unless it be a leap year in which case there are always two dominical letters the problem reverts to a simple calculation in arithmetic to the number of the year add one ter of itself neglecting fractions and divide the same by seven then for the nineteenth century subtract the remainder from eight or if it is 0 from one and the new remainder will indi cate the place of the dominical letter in alie alphabet for the cig century subtract from seven for the seventeenth and on back to the year the gregorian calendar was adopted subtract from six or if the remainder be six from thirteen for dates previous to subtract bub tract from three or if the remainder be three from ten but the dominical letter thus obtained for a leap year belongs only to the time following february 29 and for the previous two months it will be for the succeed ing letter in alie alphabet this new remainder is also the date of the first sunday in january for that year alie same date in february will fall on wednesday in march on wednesday in april on saturday etc as may be seen from the fact that the first days of the twelve months have annexed to them in the calendar alie initials of the words at dover dwells george esquire good christopher finch and david friar take this as a sample example the day of alie week upon which new york was incorporated june 12 is thus found added to quarter of itself divided by seven equals with a remainder of two and it being in the seventeenth century six minus two equals four which shows that alie dominical letter for that year was alie fourth in the alphabet or D then as june begins with E june 1 was monday and june 12 was a friday |