Show statisticians of this connary say they ar e viewed with suspicion people fearing that they are in collusion in some way with the tax ac sessor THE IB authorized to state ahat the law requires the statisticians to as confidential all such information the answers to the questions go to make up the total wealth of the county individual answers are published they are alone for the information of the statisticians 1 THE utah corn mission is finally taking action preparatory to issuing certificates to delegates elect to the constitutional convention the certificates will not be issued however the ath of boxt month in gome of the outlying counties the delegates will have notice of their election jilt in time enough to reach salt like by he opening of the convention ven tion such tardiness on the part of the is hardly excusable 1 AN indebtedness during one dm socratic ad ration ot of which it is pio posed to haye remain for ic ly years douht to insure the government another democratic dammis for ar east fifty years acome ane of commerce of provo bahi to be and reorganized to be in a position for active work during the statehood boom which will surely come |