Show PAT NOLANS TALES the old steeplechase beey spins some I 1 buny ainis old pat bolan the aeh berated steeplechase jockey acquired a considerable fortune in the gala days of the sport between the flags and having laid up treasures enough for his wadih in this world proceeded to build a ln iise at bay says the philadelphia press while it was in the course of construction a countryman came along and after regarding it with interest said ajeh patsey its minas the pats cy ye wint over the wather jump to get the money to build that house yes responded pat an its the oi go over the amp to git the bouey to build that hoube jack batchelor at one time owned the celebrated mare princess lie was robbed going down to alie track one evening and think of any easier way to get his money back than to run the mare in two races that she was eligible for on the next days pro gramme it looked like butchery but jack did it one of alie races was a stake event he started princess and won and immediately after sent her to the poat in a purse race which she also als o captured with ease A man has got to get even borne way said jack an I 1 ruess I 1 got there anele bob the famous old colored retainer at the belle sieade farm is a in his way on one occasion president and mrs cleveland paid a visit to geu jackson and of course aliey inspected the famous racers lab led them out one by one until h ns stall was reached and it was with much pride and dignity he exhibited thi winner of the english derby what a beautiful horse and how proud he looks ejaculated the lady of the white house dots case he knows chos lookin at him mrs cleveland responded bob removing his battered chapeau and bobinc like a courtier |