Show be to OTHERS ARE DELAYED pending action by the court republicans in are the leadin accord ce aiu a resolution pasa fd bv the utah Commie eion w 11 ll be issued eeb edth to as oai of rie r ie delegates to the constitutional convent coi vent on ohp comple xu cl those receiving stands 41 republican and 37 vet remain 29 delegates in the disputed counties of Sau pote eder weber alie salt laue third precinct preci nut rid beaver coun y where one of the delegates is challenged oa the grounds of non according the count the 29 not yet receiving their should 21 cani and 9 democrats Damoc rats jhb following follo are the numea of those receive their afi nc atea C lie W J noble warrum jr heny Hu glies vm II 11 maughan ingwald In iwald C cuore sen jamea P lowe cha H hart davie john R nea brigna n H R beri ber i chester ci C i easery vm G sharp jasper vm garfield john F Chiden tar grand mono peterson iron robert W hoybo ie buah J A avde L leoray LU oray george kne joaeph E millard charles gm daniel morgan francis binte R A aen rich aquilla bleker dpn juan francis A hammond sevier theodore branley joel hicl la P miller salt ake gaorge M anon john R Bo wilie Arth nJ cililo CI lilS II 11 T J james F green george B rqn res hany haynes salt aske cay first jacob moritz charles W deck s C eichnor frnk pierce second prec eai M ms richard G lambein Lam beit willm will m G voorde VH orDe samuel H hill richrd her edg button fourth precinct F hitney franklin P richards heber M wels fifie aia F james cac lea S charlea 0 gnoj win summit david keah thomas james dr mr dock aroa eldredge Eld thoele tooele david B saver thomas H clark jr uintah lacu Lv cu johnson utah samuel R mai karl G elmer G Curf nian edward partridge wm craer abel J evns jobu D holliday Holli dav myrtu lenmon john 8 boyer andreae enberg geo josaph E thorne wasatch aoa buys joseph K murdock wt sli agton anhony W edward U banow wayne E rob on the chairman of ta and the bere rf pe p e lv eiga end attest the bairt acord a cord ace with the brov alone of law |