Show giving aads in new mexico killed io a wreck WA jen as pea to the ibo bill the treaby with the southern ut I 1 ahuna for removal to an i ving guem ahe west forta of their present rosei stion in colora i aej several in new mexico ir iteal of land in san joan county panned fie rii nata bia afternoon by vote of 37 to 11 senator was the champion of alie bill and senator of was the only senator who apke in opposition his objections lay in the several minor paragraphs which he bought tu have amended by making the assent of a majority maio rity of the indiana ne ceary before the execution ot the act and in delay the settlement of thin q i pation so vexing to the people of utah and colorado senator liaa haq he representative of hoke smith who is well known to be in sin ug opposition to the measure A letter from smith was read urging that the bo left where they are fur twelve anine at least to give them time to decide whether they were favor ah e to alis change senator teller abated that io be Buo posed that their minde 3 well made up now aa chev eve could be as chief iannacio himself who sup supposal be the moat 0 alie tribe had ex his before the bainte ludian atair committee to the bil all the offered by senator were voted down at the ratio of atnee to ona excepting the first waa a mere and was agreed to by those in charge of the bill senator wolcott Wol colt upon the of the bill moved that the senate insist aoa the re from their committee and the bill now roes to the conference of the two housea iu which it w 11 ll not remain docs |