Show special gold message the present administration is again in distress the gold reserve cannot be appt up under administration the confidence ia com ars was so great credit was almost unlimited and business busin ss vent oa without questioning tha basis ot our car ency iii uncle sam always had a hundred million dollare old reserve in the ti jasniy and credit enough in reserve to adise a billion fofe if he ceded it today the nry is wiped out all the gold is gone there is some sixta three bollara on hand but it is not in gold and therefore president cleveland is alarmed in a special n to congress he recites the do efna tale that dince january our bonded interest bearing debt has been increased for the of obtaining gold and lo 10 replenish our coin reserve two issues were maie amounting to each one in january the other in november As a result of the first issue there wa realized something more ahau iffy eight million dollars in gold between that issue ami ane one in november comprising a period of about reu nearly a hundred and three dollars of gold wore drawn from the treasury doiy miulan a h court ne cesary and epou that more than fifty eight millions in god go d wan again between the date of tam second issue and the p time covering a period of ouy about two months more than sixty niue of dollars in gold ame expended without any cancellation of govern meat obligations or in any permanent way bene fitting our people or improving our pecuniary situation more than a hundred and two millions of debars it will be seen have been drawn out of the treasury during the year aby because it take takey y money now to do the business of the country the days of unlimited credit as existed un dor republican lule are passed both in an individual aid a governmental sense men now want gold the money of suimate redemption and there is not enough of it 0 o do the business of the country president cleveland recognizes ane in his special message when be says the real trouble which conf tonta ua consists an fn the lack of diffidence widespread aud constantly in the ability or liB position of the government alopay its obligations in gold if sliver were as good as gold in paying abe debts of the connary conn this condition of distrust be allevi anted for we would then have money enough the president more gold bonds iff aed and pleads hard for this debt but if congress grants it the situation will not ba maleri aily changed the government can be at peace for a time but private business wil still be suffering from a lack of some currency to do the bus buess of the country tho president con eshai his deluc tance in asking foi more bonds after ache way the hundred milon dollars issued during abe idt year have been exhausted but he wants the dignity of the government upheld but continuing it on a gold basis besides ahe treasury nolea which must bs paid in gold amounting to nearly thare will be cne m 1904 bandh issued burng the last year for whick we have gold and iu 1997 nearly 4 per cent bouda in 1877 these loans the president dups not want repudiated he in afraid that by neglecting to caer to tho gold floence Ju now gold cannot be had to meet those obligations when due it was a bad situation 0 o thus bond a government to pay in gold when there is not yellow metal enough by a to pay abe of the thus tho have forged the chains of slavery on humanity and the administration seeks to continue that condition of servitude by issuing more gold bonds he says the and interest of these bocas should bu Rolo on baca faca in gold because they be loicl for gald or its representative and be cause there would now he probably difficulty in favorably disposing dispo sine of bonds not containing this stipulation we would be pleased if congress would not hearken to this special message of the executive but instead give the conn try free coinage of silver wo fear however that the gold bugs will control congress as they now control the president |